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Monthly Weather Review (MWR) (ISSN: 0027-0644; eISSN: 1520-0493) publishes research relevant to the analysis and prediction of observed atmospheric circulations and physics, including technique development, data assimilation, model validation, and relevant case studies. This research includes numerical and data assimilation techniques that apply to the atmosphere and/or ocean environments. MWR also addresses phenomena having seasonal and subseasonal time scales.
2023 Impact Factor: 2.81
Ron McTaggart-Cowan, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Jeffrey Anderson, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Rebecca Adams-Selin, Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER)
Tommaso Benacchio, Danish Meteorological Institute
Mark Buehner, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Kristen L. Corbosiero, University at Albany, State University of New York
Clark Evans, NOAA/OAR/Global Systems Laboratory
Michael French, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Tom Galarneau, National Severe Storms Laboratory
Jidong Gao, NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory
Joshua P. Hacker, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Daryl Kleist, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/Environmental Modeling Center
Justin McLay, Naval Research Laboratory
Zhiyong Meng, Peking University
Justin Minder, University at Albany, State University of New York
Derek Posselt, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Julian Quinting, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Rosimar Rios-Berrios, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Paul Roundy, University at Albany, State University of New York
Angela Rowe, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Jason Sippel, NOAA/Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory/Hurricane Research Division
Stan Trier, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Christopher Weiss, Texas Tech University
Andrew Winters, University of Colorado Boulder
Altuğ Aksoy, University of Miami and NOAA/AOML
Javier Amezcua, Universidad Iberoamericana and University of Reading
Karina Apodaca-Martínez, Spire Global, Inc., Weather and Earth Intelligence
Thomas Bendall, Met Office
David Bodine, University of Oklahoma
Joseph Boomgard-Zagrodnik, Verisk Weather Solutions
Michael J. Brennan, NOAA/NWS/NCEP National Hurricane Center
Kristen Calhoun, NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory
Jean-François Caron, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Steven Cavallo, University of Oklahoma
Ting-Yu Cha, NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research
Manda Chasteen, Manda Chasteen
Buo-Fu Chen, Center for Weather and Climate Disaster Research, National Taiwan University
Ray Chew, Free University of Berlin, Goethe University Frankfurt
Hristo G. Chipilski, Florida State University
Brice Coffer, North Carolina State University
Michael Coniglio, NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory
Alex Crawford Centre for Earth Observation Science, Clayton Riddell Faculty of Environment Earth and Resources, University of Manitoba
Daniel T. Dawson II, Purdue University
Jennifer DeHart, Colorado State University
Charlotte DeMott, Colorado State University
Leif Denby, Danish Meteorological Institute
Sarah D. Ditchek, CIMAS, University of Miami and NOAA/AOML/Hurricane Research Division
Andreas Dörnbrack, German Aerospace Center Oberpfaffenhofen
Yu Du, Sun Yat-sen University
Jeff Duda, University of Colorado Boulder/CIRES and NOAA/Global Systems Laboratory
Patrick Duran, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Peter Finocchio, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Michael Fischer, University of Miami
Matthew Flournoy, National Severe Storms Laboratory
Stéphane Gaudreault, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Guoqing Ge, CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder and NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory
Jeremy A. Gibbs, NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory
Eric Gilleland, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Steven J. Greybush, The Pennsylvania State University
Oksana Guba, Sandia National Laboratories
Soyoung Ha, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Andrea N. Hahmann, DTU Wind, Technical University of Denmark
Wei Han, Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre, China Meteorological Administration
Andrew Hazelton, CIMAS, University of Miami and NOAA/AOML/Hurricane Research Division
Thijs Heus, Cleveland State University
Aaron Hill, University of Oklahoma
Jana Houser, Ohio University
Yongjie Huang, University of Oklahoma
Dominik Jacques, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Aaron Johnson, University of Oklahoma
William A. Komaromi, NOAA/NWS/OSTI-Modeling and IMSG
James M. Kurdzo, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Marcin Kurowski, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Andrea L. Lang, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lili Lei, Nanjing Univeristy
Yu-Chieng Liou, National Central University, Taiwan
Anthony Lyza, NOAA/OAR/National Severe Storms Laboratory
Jim Marquis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Jonathan Martinez, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Annareli Morales, Weld County Department of Public and Environmental Health, Greeley, Colorado
Jake Mulholland, University at Albany, State University of New York
Shawn Murdzek, CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder, and NOAA Global Systems Laboratory
Jason E. Nachamkin, Naval Research laboratory
Christopher Nowotarski, Texas A&M University
Kelly M. Núñez Ocasio, Texas A&M University
John Peters, Penn State University
Justin Pflug, University of Maryland Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center and NASA Goddard Hydrological Sciences Laboratory
Jonathan Poterjoy, University of Maryland
Jacopo Riboldi, ETH Zurich
Michael Riemer, Johannes Gutenberg-Universtiät Mainz
James Ruppert, University of Oklahoma
Ben Schenkel, University of Oklahoma and the National Severe Storms Laboratory
Carl Schreck III, North Carolina State University
Alex Schueth, Texas Tech University
Craig Schwartz, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Keith D. Sherburn, NOAA/National Weather Service
Patrick Skinner, Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations (CIWRO)/National Severe Storms Laboratory
Laura Slivinski, NOAA/OAR Physical Sciences Laboratory
Ryan Sobash, National Center for Atmospheric Research
W. James Steenburgh, University of Utah
Christopher Subich, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Maxime Taillardat, Météo-France and National Centre for Meteorological Research
Dana Tobin, CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder and NOAA Weather Prediction Center
Ryan D. Torn, University at Albany, State University of New York
Benjamin Trabing, NOAA/NWS/National Hurricane Center and UCAR
Stefan Tulich, CIRES, University of Colorado and NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory/Physical Sciences Division
Marcus van Lier-Walqui, Columbia University and NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Adam Varble, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Robert Adam Warren, Bureau of Meteorology, Australia
Brandon Wolding, CIRES, University of Colorado and NOAA, Earth System Research Laboratory, Physical Sciences Laboratory
May Wong, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Kimberly Wood, University of Arizona
Rochelle Worsnop, CIRES, University of Colorado and NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory
George Young, The Pennsylvania State University
Yunji Zhang, The Pennsylvania State University
Bowen Zhou, Nanjing University
Andrea Zonato, University of Trento, Italy
Erin Gumbel, Assistant to Ron McTaggart-Cowan, Rebecca Adams-Selin, Jidong Gao, and Joshua P. Hacker
Aylin Arruda, Assistant to Mark Buehner and Rosimar Rios-Berrios
Cristina Barletta, Assistant to Michael French, Daryl Kleist, Angela Rowe, and Jason Sippel
Hayley Charney, Assistant to Tommaso Benacchio and Christopher Weiss
Jane Foley, Assistant to Clark Evans and Zhiyong Meng
Colleen Gaffney, Assistant to Jeffrey Anderson and Andrew Winters
Tom Justice, Assistant to Kristen L. Corbosiero, Tom Galarneau, Justin McLay, and Justin Minder
Robbie Matlock, Assistant to Derek Posselt, Julian Quinting, Paul Roundy, and Stan Trier
Please see the AMS Publications Staff contacts page for Production staff information.