Spotlight: AMS Launches New Website!
AMS is pleased to announce the launch of our new website. We invite you to visit our site to learn more about all the ways AMS is strengthening the weather, water, and climate community. From our education programs, policy programs, journals, meetings, and other activities, there’s more going on at AMS this summer than ever before. www.ametsoc.org.
What's New
The ballot for AMS President-Elect and Councilors is open for voting for all AMS full members. The elected leaders of AMS are charged with advancing AMS’s goals in the areas of weather, water and climate. We value and appreciate your vote. The deadline to vote is 10 November 2015.
The AMS Council has approved a précis for a new statement on “Weather Safety and Outdoor Venues” If you would like to be considered for service on the drafting committee, please send your name and contact information with a brief description of your background to the AMS Council at the following e-mail address: [email protected].
The U.S. Senate Commerce Committee is seeking input on a new Senate version of COMPETES legislation. The first phase is focused on how to maximize the impact of basic research; AMS members with expertise in this area are encouraged to contribute feedback by 21 August. Information and a list of questions are available online. Subsequent meetings will be held to address improving science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education research and teaching practices for students, as well as translating federal research results into innovative commercial applications for the benefit of the economy and society.
On 25 August at 12:30 PM EDT, the Board of Operational Government Meteorologists (BOGM) will host a webinar with several key speakers from AMS meetings on topics specific to research to operations to support operational meteorologists. Topics include GOES-R, the national model blender, warning programs (FACETs), and storm-scale high-resolution modeling. Register online to attend.
AMS Meetings, Events, and Deadlines
1 August
3 August
3–6 August
4–6 August
5 August
15 August
Did You Know?
The AMS Policy Program is looking for volunteers for a Congressional Visits Day focused on geosciences and geoscience education. This is an opportunity to talk to members of Congress and their staff about the importance of Earth and space research. The deadline to apply is 31 August.
The Board of Private Sector Meteorologists held a webcast on midcareer job transitions on 15 July. In case you missed it, the recording is available on the AMS YouTube Channel.
During the second week of September, the AMS will have a booth at the European Meteorological Society (EMS) European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) annual meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria. While continuing to establish a strong AMS presence in the European scientific community, the goals of the booth will be to share the benefits of AMS membership and attract new members, to promote our journals to authors and readers (we will even be giving out copies of the recent BAMS), and to advertise our top bookstore titles. As usual, the booth will be active on the AMS Facebook and Twitter pages—be sure to follow our adventures!
AMS will offer some outstanding opportunities for students in the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences to attend the 96th AMS Annual Meeting in New Orleans. The travel programs help AMS student members with financial support to attend this professional event and be among their peers and professionals in the field. Look for the information and applications in September on the AMS website. Questions? Contact Donna Fernandez.