6th Annual Conference for Early Career Professionals
The 6th Annual Conference for Early Career Professionals was held in conjunction with the 98th AMS Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas. The conference chairs were Matthew Lacke, Jared Rennie, Christopher Schultz, and Samantha Tushaus.
Highlights of the conference:
Special Meet and Greet Breakfast with AMS President Dr. Roger M. Wakimoto and Presidenal Forum Speaker Richard Alley of Penn State.
Joint session with the 17th Annual AMS Student Conference. Icebreaker sessions were organized to introduce students and early careers, as well as promote engagement.
Dr. Kerry Cook of UT Austin gave Keynote Address titled "The Importance of Developing Communication Skills in Science" Recorded presentation here.
Rotating group discussions, featuring
Presentation Styles for All Situations, given by Betsy Weatherhead of Univ. of Colorado
The Choices One Must Make When Writing Effectivey, given by Michael Ventrice, The Weather Company
You've Got an Audience, Now Keep your audience!, given by James Caron, Macquarie Group
Panel Discussion on Implicit Bias in the Sciences, featuring Lawrence Locker, Karen Naufel, Joy Losse, and Gerg Webster.
Session on Conflict Resolution in the Workplace, featuring Kim Runk of NOAA/NWS, and Dr. Susan Jasko, from California University of Pennsylvania.
Panel Discussion on Future State of the Jobs in the Sciences, moderated by Dr. Marshall Shepherd of UGA, and featuring Andrea Bleistein (NOAA/NWS), Matt Lanza (Cheniere Energy), Kerrin Jeromin (WPEC-TV), and Lis Cohen (NOAA/Boulder).
Presidental Coffee Break with Dr. Roger Wakimoto, leading up to the Sunday evening Presidental Forum.
8th Annual Reception for Early Career Professionals on Sunday evening that was attended by several hundred AMS Meeting attendees
Monday morning sessions, including a Panel discussion on Effective Resume Building, as well as the kickoff session for the 2018 Early Career Leadership Academy.
Live tweeted video of several poster presentations by early career professionals
Images from the conference:
Dr. Kerry Cook of UT Austin gives Keynote address to students and early careers
Icebreaker: Turn your 60 second elevator pitch into a 30 second pitch, and then a 15 second pitch.
Icebreaker: Get to know each other, using name, interest, and visual aids.
Brave volunteers to help out with the 'Conflict Resolution' session with Kim Runk and Dr. Susan Jasko
Panel Discussion on Future State of the Jobs in the Sciences, moderated by Dr. Marshall Shepherd of UGA, and featuring Andrea Bleistein (NOAA/NWS), Matt Lanza (Cheniere Energy), Kerrin Jeromin (WPEC-TV), and Lis Cohen (NOAA/Boulder).
Bill Burkey moderating Monday morning session on "Effective Resume Building"
Matt Lacke kicks off the first session of the 2018 Early Career Leadership Academy