Commissioner: Clark Evans
Past Commissioner: Kristie Franz
Incoming Commissioner: Stephen Bieda


Welcome to the Scientific and Technological Activities Commission (STAC) Homepage.  

STAC is one of six Commissions of the Society that report directly to the AMS Council.  STAC is responsible to the Society and the Council for 

  • advancing science and technology by promoting the open exchange of ideas, strengthening our disciplinary communities, 
  • enhancing collaboration and dialog among these communities, 
  • celebrating and fostering excellence, and 
  • cultivating the next generation of scientists and leaders. 

STAC is composed of six Boards and thirty Committees staffed by more than 450 volunteers from the AMS professional and student membership.  Read the STAC Terms of Reference for an overview.

If interested in volunteering, contact the Board or Committee chair (or the STAC Commissioner) of the discipline that most closely matches your interest. Volunteer opportunities may include serving as a Board or Committee member, conference or symposium organizer, or in other roles.

Click here to return to the main AMS website.

Photo from STAC Annual Meeting, 2024, Baltimore, MD