Weather, Climate, and Society

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Weather, Climate, and Society (WCAS) (ISSN: 1948-8327; eISSN: 1948-8335) publishes research and reviews that address economics, policy analysis, political science, history, communication, and institutional, social, health, and behavioral scholarship and research relating to weather and climate, including both climate variability and longer-term climate change. Contributions must include evidence-based analysis and substantive discussion of the interactions of weather and climate with society, taking an integrated approach, drawing on both the social and physical sciences.

Since many authors of WCAS papers are from social science disciplines, for which funding is generally more limited than in the physical sciences, the AMS Council has eliminated page charges for this journal.

2023 Impact Factor: 1.94

Submission Types

  • Articles: Up to 7500 words, including the body text, acknowledgments, and appendixes. The word limit does not include the title page, abstract, references, captions, tables, and figures. If a submission exceeds the word limit, the author must provide a justification for the length of the manuscript and request the Chief Editor’s approval of the overage. This request may be uploaded in a document with the "Cover Letter" item type or entered in the comment field in the submission system.
  • Reviews: Synthesis of previously published literature that may address successes, failures, and limitations. Requires Review Proposal. For more information, see Review Articles.
  • Comment and Reply Exchange: Comments are written in response to a published article and should be submitted within 2 years of the publication date of the original article (although the editor can waive this limit in extenuating circumstances). The author of the original article has the opportunity to write a Reply. These exchanges are published together. 
  • Corrigenda: The corrigendum article type is available for authors to address errors discovered in already published articles. For more information, see Corrigenda.

  • Social Science Datasets, Research Instruments, and Data Ethics: Short papers presenting new datasets of wide interest, innovative survey or other social, behavioral, and economic research instruments with wide applicability, or describing ethical aspects of data curation, collection or archival. These articles are intended to promote visibility and facilitate reuse of datasets and data collection instruments, as well as foster discussion of the ethics concerning data management and data sharing, especially when conducting human subjects research. The articles should be relevant to the scope of WCAS, must provide a detailed description of their dataset, instrument, or data ethics issue, and should explain its significance to the field. Articles describing data or data ethics are not expected to include an analysis or discussion section, however, a concise summary of statistical reliability and validity is encouraged when publishing a novel survey or other research instrument. Access to the full instrument or dataset is required. Up to 3,000 words, including body text, acknowledgments, and appendices. The word limit does not include the title page, abstract, references, captions, tables, and figures. No more than 3 figures/tables.

Editors and Staff Contacts

Chief Editor

Henry Huntington, Huntington Consulting


Walker S. Ashley, Northern Illinois University
Brian Dowd-Uribe, University of San Francisco
Michael A. Goldstein, Babson College
Rajiv Pandey, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun
Gyami Shrestha, U.S. Department of Agriculture, NIFA
Tanya Spero, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Stephen Strader, Villanova University

Associate Editors

Ankit Agarwal, Department of Hydrology, IIT Roorkee

Yash Amonkar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Bogdan Antonescu, University of Bucharest and National Institute for Earth Physics, Romania

Mucahid Mustafa Bayrak, National Taiwan Normal University

Sarah Buckland, Jamaica Productivity Centre and UWI Mona

Daniel Burow, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Todd A. Crane, Sustainable Livestock Systems, International Livestock Research Institute

João P. A. Gobo, Department of Geography, Federal University of Rondônia, Brazil

Kristine Harper, University of Copenhagen

Saria Hassan, Emory University School of Medicine

Sushil Kumar Himanshu, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

Shashidhar Kumar Jha, WRI India

Jonghun Kam, Pohang University of Science and Technology

Amit Kumar, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China

Pallab Mozumder, Florida International University

Adam M. Rainear, Department of Communication and Media, West Chester University

Carla Roncoli, Emory University

Suleman Sarwar, University of Jeddah

Jason Senkbeil, University of Alabama

Syed Ahsan Ali Shah, Mathematics and Experimental Sciences Department, University of Salamanca (USAL), Spain

Umer Shahzad, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague

Kathleen Sherman-Morris, Mississippi State University

Roopam Shukla, Indian Institute of Technology

Alan Stewart, University of Georgia

Jeannette Sutton, University at Albany, State University of New York

Chris Vagasky, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Castle Williamsberg, FedWriters Supporting NOAA's Weather Program Office

Adrienne M. Wootten, South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, University of Oklahoma

Peer Review Support Staff

Erin Gumbel, Assistant to Henry Huntington and Stephen Strader

Cristina Barletta, Assistant to Walker S. Ashley

Hayley Charney, Assistant to Michael Goldstein

Jane Foley, Assistant to Gyami Shrestha

Colleen Gaffney, Assistant to Brian Dowd-Uribe and Rajiv Pandey

Robbie Matlock, Assistant to Tanya Spero

Production Staff

Please see the AMS Publications Staff contacts page for Production staff information.

4 2023 Journal Impact Factors by Clarivate Analytics; Meteorology and Atmospheric Science and Environmental Studies categories.