Meteograms for Selected Cities
A city is selected by clicking the mouse pointer on its identity code from
the map or its name in the selection table.
A meteogram (also termed "meteorogram" or "metgram") is
a 25-hour time series of weather conditions at a station that contains:
- The Meteogram label shows the three letter identifier of the station
followed by the year, month, day / UTC time (YYMMDD/HHHH) for the beginning and
ending of the data interval.
- TMPF and DWPF are the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit on
the upper curve (red) and dewpoint (°F) on the lower curve (green),
respectively. The plot scale adjusts to the maximum and minimum temperatures in
the data set.
- BRBK is the station model wind report along the lower row of this
section. SKYC is total cloud cover.
- VSBY is the horizontal visibility in statute miles (brown).
WSYM, if present, is the symbol for weather conditions that limit
visibility if reported visibility is less than 10 mi.
- PMSL is the atmospheric pressure corrected to mean sea level in
millibars plotted on the fourth graph.
- Date/Time in Z (UTC) is reported below the pressure graph. The most
recent time is at the right side of the graph scale.