Board on Best Practices

Who Are We?

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) Board on Best Practices was founded by the AMS in January 2015. The board is charged with writing a “Best Practice,” a type of document under the guidelines for AMS Statements. The purpose of a "Best Practice" is to alert the AMS membership, governmental and private sector organizations, and the general public to AMS endorsed best practices across sectors of the weather, water, and climate enterprise, and to promote statements of scientifically-based practices from third parties deemed worthy of the credibility and reputation by the society. AMS Statements in Force can be found here. Lance Steele is the board chair for 2025. Each board member has their own pet project (so to speak) and co-chairs their own best practice along with experts inside and outside of the AMS depending on the subject matter.

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Photo taken at the 2025 AMS Annual Meeting in New Orleans of (left to right) Gerry Mulvey (outgoing member), Mark McGinnis (member), Mike Seaman (member), Rey Ueyama (member, shown on the screen via Zoom), Lance Steele (chair), Alicia Wasula (member), and Sarah Perfater (member).

Photo taken at the 2024 AMS Annual Meeting in Baltimore of (left to right) Alicia Wasula (member), Mike Seaman (member), Sarah Perfater (member), and Gerry Mulvey (previous chair)

Photo taken at the 2023 AMS Annual Meeting in Denver of (left to right) Rob Eicher (former member), Lance Steele (chair), Alicia Wasula (member), and Gerry Mulvey (previous chair)