Green Meetings Initiative

Green Meetings Initiative

The AMS community is deeply concerned with building a more sustainable future for our planet. As a Society, we are working to implement that vision in everything we do—so we are proud to announce our latest initiative, Green Meetings. 

AMS is building on current sustainable practices with our guidelines that govern how we conduct our meetings and scientific conferences, and what partners and venues we choose to work with.

What We’re Doing–and What You Can Do

Over the last year, AMS has worked hard to implement green meetings initiatives at all specialty meetings. We are proud of the progress we have made to increase the sustainability of our meetings and are working hard to build on the initiatives we have previously implemented. The initiatives listed below will be present at the 105th Annual Meeting and are standard for all AMS meetings. That includes providing eco-friendly options for you to improve your green footprint as a meeting attendee—we strongly encourage you to participate in these initiatives.

AMS Initiatives:
  • Increasing our vegetarian/pescetarian/vegan menu options
  • Working with venues to prioritize locally grown/sourced, plant-based meals with a low carbon footprint.
  • Collecting RSVPs for food events to provide the right amount of food and reduce waste.
  • No longer using aisle carpet in exhibit halls to reduce usage of single-use items.
  • Donating all furniture, decor, and giveaway items after an event.
  • Utilizing digital signage when possible.
  • Requesting AMS waste and donation data from all AMS meeting venues.
    • Trash, recycling, composting, etc.
  • Offsetting all staff travel by purchasing carbon offsets.
    • Green Meetings in Action: We will be offsetting emissions from all 2024 staff travel by purchasing offsets from Bonneville Environmental Foundation upon the completion of the 2024 Specialty Meeting season.
  • Encouraging staff and attendees to use public transportation around New Orleans.
  • Offering badge holder and lanyard recycling via boxes in the registration area.
    • Green Meetings in Action: We recycled over 9 pounds of badge holders and lanyards from the 104th Annual Meeting.
  • Encouraging attendees to offset meeting travel by purchasing carbon offsets. 
    • Offset your travel by purchasing carbon offsets here.
  • Minimizing printed materials. 
    • If you need a meeting program, please request one during the registration process (to open in late October). Otherwise, please use our online program and meeting app (Coming late 2024!) to plan your day and see what’s next!
  • Printing on materials that are reusable, recyclable, eco-conscious, etc.
  • Continuing to offer a virtual attendance option for all meetings.
    • Green Meetings in Action: Our 500+ 104th Annual Meeting virtual attendees averted an estimated 360,000+ kg CO2e in travel-related emissions.
  • Using compostable or reusable tableware for meal events.
  • Conducting a site visit to explore sustainability in practice at each meeting venue.