Award for Early Career Achievement Winners

Below is information about our most recent and past winners of the Award for Early Career Achievement. 


2018 Award for Early Career Achievement

Dr. Gina Eosco - Cherokee Nation Strategic Programs

Dr. Gina Eosco is the recipient of this award for outstanding leadership and dedication to embedding social science in the weather enterprise, and tireless efforts to address and overcome obstacles to communicating risk. She will officially receive this award at the AMS annual meeting in Phoenix in January.

Please join us in congratulating Gina!



2017 Award for Early Career Achievement

Dr. Melissa Burt - Colorado State University


Dr. Burt is a research scientist and the Diversity and Education Manager for the Department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State, and has served on multiple AMS boards and is currently co-chair of the AMS Centennial Planning Committee. She has helped grow the graduate enrollment of underrepresented groups at CSU from 3% in 2005 to 15%, and currently administers their Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program, having done so even while completing her Ph.D. in 2016. Dr. Burt has also served on UCAR's Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research (SOARS) Steering Committee, for nearly a decade.

A formal presentation of the award was made on Sunday, January 7, 2018, during the Annual Reception for Early Career Professionals in Austin, Texas.

Dr. Christopher Shultz, BECP Chair, Pesents the award to Dr. Melissa Burt of Colorado State University


2016 Award for Early Career Achievement

Dr. Manda Adams - National Science Foundation


Dr. Manda Adams received her B.S. in Meteorology-Climatology at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, and went on to the University of Wisconsin-Madison to attain her M.S. and PhD. At the NSF, she makes recommendations on how taxpayer money is spent on science and science education. She oversees all aspects of the merit review process, including requesting proposals, picking the right experts for review, and making recommendations on what should be funded.


Dr. Adams shows exemplary service in mentoring early career professionals, contributing to scientific discovery and leading by example within AMS and the broader earth science community.


A formal presentation of the award was made during the 7th Annual Reception for Early Career Professionals in Seattle, Washington.


Chris Schultz, BECP Chair, presents Dr. Manda Adams with the Award for Early Career Achievement.



2015 Award for Early Career Achievement

Dr. Ankur Desai - University of Wisconsin - Madison

The winner of the inaugural AMS Commission on Professional Affairs Award for Early Career Achievement is Dr. Ankur Desai at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

Dr. Desai works at a high level for society and the AMS by serving on AMS boards, attending AMS meetings, serving as a session chair, and providing outreach to his local community.  He mentors many students, both locally and internationally and has a strong work ethic which includes collaboration with other university partners and government entities.


A formal presentation of the award was made on Sunday, January 10, 2016, during the 6th Annual Reception for Early Career Professionals in New Orleans, Louisiana.


Jay Trobec, AMS Commissioner on Professional Affairs and Matt Lacke, BECP Chair, present Dr. Ankur
Desai with the Award for Early Career Achievement.