
Members on Call: Alana Nehring, Meredith Garofalo, Paul Gross, Bob Lindmeier, Michael Page, Elisa Raffa, Hannah Strong


Call Began 2:11 PM EST


Station Scientist Session Speakers:

- Dave Titley - focus on climate change and its impact on national security 

- Len Hering - focus on where do we go from here, sustainability and clean energy

- Sweta Chakraborty - focus on human behavior and management/adaptation to climate change risks.

- Bruce Bekkar - medical doctor with a focus on health impacts of climate change

- Tamitha Skov – space weather and how it impacts daily life on Earth

- Kelly Beatty – preview of this year’s astronomy events


Climate Central to partner with the Station Scientist Committee to offer an all-day climate science short course to be held the day before the broadcast conference is slated to begin in San Diego.


Reminder to wear AMS pin for National Weather Person Day on February 5th and share on social media using #AMS100.


Congratulations to Elisa for recently earning her AMS certification! 


Recent Science Segments by Committee Members:

Paul did an explainer about pot holes and why Michigan expects to have more this spring.


Boston AMS hotel headquarters costing $500 per night?  Michael will send out a list of hotel suggestions for January’s meeting.


Next call April 1st 2 PM EDT


Call Ended 2:37 PM EST