
Started at 12:00pm. Vanessa taking notes.

Present: Maureen, Meredith, Bob, Paul, Vanessa, Hannah, Amber, Heather, Nick, Anthony and McCall.

Last Meeting for 2021!

Maureen is going to see if we can have more than 12 members. Amber says we should also think about geographical locations when wanting to recruit new members.

Chair-Elect 2022: McCall Vrydaghs

Broadcast Board Liaison 2022 (2023 If Need Be As Well): Vanessa Alonso

New Member Recommendations: WJBK Fox 2 Derek Kevra: Paul’s Recommendation. He’ll contact him to see if he’s still interested.

Student Member: Elizabeth Noseck Valpro Student: Meredith’s Recommendation. We agree that the student member should take care of the social media pages.

Volunteer Members: Amber and Meredith

Amber & Paul: AMS Elections…GO VOTE!!!

Paul: AMS Webinars Brainstorming for 2022. Meredith would love to do Space. Paul recommended Earthquakes. Heather is thinking something western weather. Paul also recommended Climate Prediction Center and seasonable forecasts.

Bob: AMS Broadcast Conference ideas. $1500 budget. Amber says SSC can pay up to 3-4 speakers. We do one core session. Nick would love to talk about his science lessons during the pandemic. Vanessa and Hannah will keep SSC in the loop once the broadcast board meets and decides on theme.

Meeting ended at 12:50pm.