
Station Scientist Committee Meeting 3/15/22


Meeting Started: 2:00pm ET 


Attendance: Bob, McCall, Vanessa, Tom, Anthony, Nick, T.J., Lizzie, Heather, Zachary and Tammie


1. Introduced Tom Wachs to the Committee. It was his first meeting.


2. Bob: Milwaukee AMS Broadcast Conference Update


Here's the latest on our confirmed conference speakers.

Tuesday, June 14th afternoon short courses. 

Communicating Climate Change In Conservative Markets
Scott Denning
Paul Douglas
Katherine Hayhoe (virtual)

Wednesday, June 15th afternoon session.
Titans that Built TV Weather 

Terry Kelly (Weather Central)

Joel Myers (AccuWeather)

Todd Glickman (WSI)

Paul Douglas (Earth Watch)

Bob Baron (Baron Services)

Thursday, June 16th morning session.
Climate Myth Debunking Handbook - Bob Lindmeier and Sean Sublette.
Climate Restoration - Harold Hedelman (30 minutes)

Going Beyond the Green Screen, The Importance of Community Outreach - McCall Vrydaghs

RETREET Disaster Relief - Grady McGahan. McCall has been working with him on tornado recovery efforts in her DMA after May 2019 tornado event. 

Weather Visualization - Tim Heller

How Social Science Data Can Measure the Effects of Weather Risk Communication on Society - Gino Eosco
Space News -  NASA. Paul is still trying someone but is hopeful.


Vanessa sent email of speakers list to Broadcast Conference Chairs Shel & Brandon. Vanessa, McCall and Bob are planning to meet with Shel and Brandon after the abstract deadline to finalize our sessions.


3. CONGRATS to Nick and Anthony on their recent awards. Anthony was the 2022 recipient of the AMS AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN SCIENCE REPORTING BY A BROADCAST METEOROLOGIST for combining journalism, science, and advanced technology to explain and gain interest in weather and ocean topics pertaining to Southern California. Nick won a local Tampa newspaper Best Local Weathercaster Award. Nick also talked about his Weather Explainers 


4. Lizzie: She is doing a great job with the SSC Twitter page. She is working on content for social. Email her ideas or stories you are doing or seeing related to our field as station scientists. 


5. Virtual AMS Webinars: Nick and McCall will talk about doing one. Feel free to reach out to Bob or McCall with any Station Scientist topics or ideas for it. 




Nominations are due May 1st. AMS Website: https://www.ametsoc.org/index.cfm/aMS/about-ams/ams-awards-honors/


Here are the rules from last year that I found:

AMS will allow SSC members to be an Applicant Reviewer with the exception of the volunteer & student members, our Ex-Efficio members and those with existing nominations in the pool. Members pick out their top three nominations and Bob tallies the votes to see who had the most votes to be the winner.


Our NEXT MEETING will be in mid-May when we discuss and choose our award recommendation. 


Meeting Ended: 2:25 pm ET