Station Scientist Committee – Meeting Minutes
10.19.2020 @ 12:00 PM MT
Members in Attendance:
Meredith Garofalo
Amber Sullins
Ariel Rodriguez
Elisa Raffa
Hannah Strong
Bob Lindmeier
Tammie Souza
Discussion Topics:
- New Members for Committee: there are four spots opening, those rotating off can participate as volunteers. Please let Amber & Meredith know if your term has expired if you would like to still be involved! We chose:
- Heather Waldman (Buffalo, NY)
- T.J. Springer (Springfield, MO)
- Zack Green (Boston, MA)
- McCall Vrydaghs (Dayton, OH)
- For our New Members beginning their terms in January of 2021. While we had a great list for consideration, we only had 4 spots to fill and these new members will also help expand the location of committee members from coast to coast. Meredith has already informed them as well as the other committee members on our decision and our 4 new members will officially receive a letter from the Commissioner with more details.
- Ex Officio Transition – Hannah Strong will serve as Ex Officio member for the Station Scientist Committee making the move over to the Broadcast Board
- Board Co-Chairs from 2020: We will now moving forward have a Chair and a Chair Elect each year (similar to the Broadcast Board). Meredith and Amber will stay on for 2021, Meredith will be our Chair, Amber will be an advisor, and we are looking for someone to be our 2021 Chair-Elect who will train during the year and then be transitioned to Chair in 2022. Please email Meredith/Amber if you’re interested! We need to have this decided within the next month.
- We continuing to work on the database of experts in the area, please keep sending your contacts to Amber!
- **PAUL – WEBSITE UPDATE??? Please reply all to this email with the latest, please and thanks!**
- Bob Lindmeier: New meteorologist team with Citizens Climate Lobby that meets once a month (3rd Wednesday), watch email from Bob with more details, need to find more in the broadcast community to volunteer!