Notes from the meeting of the AMS Committee on Climate Services. 9:30 AM Monday, January 18, 2010, Juniper Room, Omni Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia.
Attendees: Kelly Redmond, Holly Hartmann, Chuck Hakkarinen, Matt Parker, Gary Rasmussen, Len Pietrafesa, Ed O'Lenic
Ed O'Lenic showed the two posters he prepared for display in the poster room. These (images attached) are entitled: _Joint CCM-CCS Webinar on Climate Services to the Water Sector_, presented September 16, 2009, with contributions by Kirsten Averyt, Eileen Shea, John Henz, and Baxter Vieux, and _Webinar on Climate Services and Health_, presented November 6, 2009, with contributions by Noah S. Diffenbaugh, and George Luber.
- Activities during 2009 included more than a dozen telephone conference meeting, and 2 highly successful webinars.
- 2 posters on the webinars are being presented at the AMS 2010 Annual Meeting.
- Issues raised this year:
O Private sector concerns about possible government competition for contracts and grants
O Still need to establish a mechanism for the private sector to make recommendations to the government about what products and services it should develop, as stated in our TOR.
O Concerns about the form and functions of the National Climate Service.
O There is a need for clean, and analyzed data.
O The relationships among climate, weather and social impacts.
O How can CCMs assist local governments?
O How do we bring together users and tool developers?
O The impact of the non-stationarity of climate time series (especially precipitation) on products.
O The continuing importance of developing trusting relationships among developers and users.
- Next steps
O 4 or more webinars each year? Bigger attendance capacity (currently, its 40).
O An AMS Conference on Climate Services?
Ed: Our committee had a busy and productive year, with lots to conference call meetings and some ambitious, and successful, webinars. We still have not established a mechanism for the private sector to make recommendations to the government about climate services.
Kelly: How does a community collectively decide what to do?
Len: There needs to be better, more-frequent dialogue among sectors.
Gary: The Board on Enterprise Communication is set up to do this. CCS might want to have a session at the April 6-7 Public-Private Partnership Forum, in Washington, DC. Contact Pam Emch. (ACTION: ED). It might also be useful to look for opportunities to engage BEC and BEED in issues of mutual interest.
Kelly: Need more discussion. Collect an HH (??) slide from everyone.
1. Holly: How do we share computer code?
Ed: CPC has implemented Subversion to allow collaborative development, at least within CPC, but this allows collaboration from anywhere.
2. Len: Data stewardship/public access to data. We need examples of how others have done this.
3. What is the real value gained from doing climate services?
4. What is the improvement over what we have now by doing something new?
5. An example showing the difference would be instructive.
6. Kelly: USGS streamgage dataa is a good example.
7. Gary: George Frederick's network of networks.
8. Lets gather some examples of successes in making data available, including Landsat, NOAA GOES, ARGO, USGS, Earthquake data, WRCC.
9. Ed: Our organizations are a lot more excited about science than they are about supporting the process of maintaining operational observing and forecast systems, hence the "valley of death". This might be a good topic for the April Forum session.
10. Paul Llanso: The AMS should establish, through the CCS, a stronger relationship with local AMS chapters in this year of Communication. Objective would be to foster collaboration among members of the various sectors of the climate services community, and to discover common ground.
Ed: The theme of the 2011 AMS Annual Meeting is Communication. The summer meeting is in State College this year. It will feature sessions on the Network of Networks, Renewable Energy, and Weather Risk.
I am soliciting suggestions for a session of about 4 presentations at the April 6-7 Forum in Washington, DC.
Final Issue: CCS Rotations. Below, please find a table listing what I understand to be CCS members' rotation agreements. Please update it, as appropriate. Some suggested possible new members include: Tim Kearns, Doug Stewart, Phil Pasteris. Comments/suggestions are solicited.
Joined (correct?)
Rotation date (correct?)
2nd Term (rotates 2014)?
1. Ryan Boyles 2007
2. Caitlin Simpson
3. Holly Hartmann
4. Kelly Redmond
5. Chuck Hakkarinen
6. John Dutton
7. Ken Hubbard
8. Bob Cohen
9. Paul Llanso
10. Ed O'Lenic
11. Eileen Shea