19 June 2009

AMS CCS telecom Friday, June 19, 2009


In attendance:  Ed O'Lenic, Paul Llanso, Ryan Boyles, Peter Robinson,

John Dutton, Kelly Redmond, Ken Hubbard


Paul:  Mary Pat Matheson - Atlanta Botanical Garden.  Is available to



Adam Smith - Expert on valuing climate information


Otis Brown - Dir. of Coop Institute on Climate and Satellites, U. Md.



-  Themes and speakers for 2 webinars, possible CCM involvement

-  Theme and speakers for a Town Hall Meeting, possible CCM, CVC


-  Joint Session with CVC


Ed:  The themed Joint Sessions Deadline is Monday.


Ed:  It would benefit the community if we could get down into the issues

that face them.  These are not necessarily related to climate change,

but might be.  CCMs are a group which I think of as being IN the climate

services community.  They also have access to a number of users with a

wide variety of needs. 


Peter:  From the CCM point of view, the CCMs are users of climate

services.  There are 2 groups - 1) those associated with targeted

weather forecasting, and 2) those dealing as consultants on all kinds of

weather-related issues.  CCMs want to know: What climate services are

available?, what are coming in the future?  CCMs are generally users of



Kelly - CCMs both consume and use climate services.


Peter:  Agreed.  Many of them feel isolated from the govt. and the

formal climate services community.


Ryan:  Need to answer what climate services are.


Ed:  Peter's comment indicates an excellent reason to engage the CCMs.

They are part of the community, and need to feel, and be included.


Peter:  There are 450 or so CCMs.


Paul:  What is needed to get them in?  Maybe we should ask CCMs this



Ed:  That's a question which can only be answered through the discovery

process we are trying to exercise in the webinar.  It should certainly

be asked.


JAD:  We need to be concerned about pull.  What problems users are

encountering.  How does climate information impact users?

Decadal review of NCEP have a list of clients and users.  Those are an

impressive list.  The climate services community needs that list.


Peter:  CCMs are in direct contact with users.  They certainly could

play a role in getting understanding of user needs.


Ryan:  Have a webinar aimed at water users.  This could be a forum.


JAD:  Can we figure out how CCMs would garner this user information.


Peter:  CCMs are not a monolithic block.  To CCMs:  What problems have

you had serving clients?  How did you solve it?


Kelly:  Good to hear from the CCMs themselves.  What are the upstream

and downstream issues?  Related to that:  Do they see systemic problems,

vs individual problems?


Peter:  It would be very interesting to hear about systemic problems.  I

can't answer that question.  We might address this as a question, or as

a general issue.  My feeling is that systemic issues will emerge.


Ken:  You want to know what bottlenecks they are having.


Kelly:  we could also ask what classes of future needs and help they

will need to do their job better.  Not just the past, but also the future.


Ed:  Webinar Title:  Climate Services for Water Clients: User Needs and

Data Availability.


Ed:  Does everybody like that title?  (Most seem to agree, based on what

I could hear over the phone.)


Kelly:  CCMs and climate services are all about using information to

make better decisions.  Are they getting the kind of climate information

they need in each of their decision-making contexts?


JAD:  That is an excellent point.


Ryan:  We could get material for other webinars from CVC short courses.


Kelly:  An interruption of the short course with the audience to help

inform the webinar would be useful.


Peter:  There should be an invitation from Ed to all of the CCMs.  We

should then follow-up with invitations to individuals.


Kelly:  Email to CCMs:  1)  do you want to participate?, 2) do you want

to present.


JAD:  Yes.


Peter:  Explain in the email what a webinar is.


Ken:  RSVP the email.


JAD:  5 Speakers may be too many.  3 or 4 is better.


Peter:  Kelly Savaret, AMS has a list of CCMs and email addresses.


Kelly:  It might be good if the mailing that came from both Ed and a CCM.


Ed:  I will coordinate with Peter and Kelly.  Peter and I can both sign

the letter.


Ed:  When should the webinar be held?


JAD:  mid-Sep-mid-Oct


Paul:  (sorry Paul, I missed your comment here - Ed)


Peter:  We should ask people to offer topics.  There about 350 active CCMs.


JAD:  You could wait until after the webinar to decide about the Town Hall.


Peter:  What is the deadline for setting up a town hall?


Ed:  I don't know.  I will find out.


Kelly:  Combine Town Hall with webinar.


ED:  I will discuss this with the AMS.  This technology certainly has

the capacity to work well in this situation.


Kelly:  We need to set a generic topic.


Peter:  What are Climate Services and Where are they Going?  Using the

Experience of CCMs.  CCMs would like to do something just like this.


Kelly:  Too generic a topic is often a problem at Town Halls.  Some kind

of CCM with a public-private link.  CCMs as an example of how to arrange

the public-private CS interface.  Using CCMs to learn more about that.

We need to take advantage of CCMs expertise.


Peter:  Need a smooth title.  I would not anticipate a single CCM being

capable of doing it.   Several speakers would be needed.


Ed:  This is just where the webinar technology can help.


Kelly:  I can help review the invitation to CCMs.


Ed:  How about this for a Town Hall title:


"CCMs Experience as Users and Providers of Climate Services"


Ed:  This was a great meeting.  Thanks to everyone. 


Lets meet again at 1:00 PM EDT, July 17, 2009.