AMS CCS telcon August 7, 2009
Attendees: E. OLenic, Holly Hartmann, Ryan Boyles, Ken Hubbard
Ed: Lets discuss who to invite to the webinar.
Holly: Need registration
Ken: Need something to motivate registration.
Holly: A link right to registration is good to have. Webinar will be accessible afterwards. Is there a collection of webinars over time? Ed: I will make sure I talk with AMS about all of this.
Ed: This will give us a chance to sample the true membership of the AMS community.
Holly: This webinar will bring in folks who can't often go to annual meetings.
Ed: What about the town hall?
Holly: What would distinguish our town hall from others? What about water?
Ryan: We might focus on what services will be available? What about having Lubchenko talk about the issues related to the NSC. This would make for a nice Q and A.
Holly and Ed: CCS can beat the bushes from our side to shore-up attendance at the webinar.
Ed: Lets meet September 18, 2009 at 1:00 PM. I will try to give everyone a day's advance reminder about the meeting.