The Education and Engagement Commission (formerly the Commission on Education and Human Resources) is one of the six commissions of the American Meteorological Society that report directly to the AMS Council (see the organization chart). The boards and committees that operate within this commission broadly represent education, outreach, human resource, and engagement-related activities of the Society.

The EEC Commission membership consists of the Commissioner, a future commissioner, and the chairs of the six constituent Boards. Any four members including the Commissioner will constitute a quorum. The authority and responsibility of the commission is: To be responsible to the Council for the Society’s programs in popular, K–12, and university-level education; for the Society’s programs addressing issues related to supporting AMS membership; for monitoring human resources in the atmospheric and related sciences; for organizing service to various communities related to AMS activities; for recommending annually recipients for seven of the Society’s awards (Louis J. Battan Author’s Adult and K-12 Awards, Charles E. Anderson Award, Teaching Excellence Award, Distinguished Science Journalism in the Atmospheric and Related Sciences), and Local Chapter and Student Chapter of the Year Awards, as well as scholarships for undergraduate and minority students; for organizing professional meetings on history, education, and human resource issues, and for organizing and promoting the Student Conference and WeatherFest.