The AMS AI Committee organizes annual short courses to introduce the AMS community to important concepts in AI, machine learning, and deep learning. The courses provide both informative lectures and hands-on experience with meteorological data.
2022: Machine Learning in Python for Environmental Science Problems
Organizers: Kate Duffy, Amanda Burke
Instructors: Laura Ko, William Chapman, Callie McNicholas, Dylan Steinkruger, Tirthankar Chakraborty, Nishant Yadav, Karthik Kashinath
2020: Machine Learning in Python for Environmental Science Problems (Beginner, Advanced, Hackathon)
Organizers: Ben Toms, Amanda Burke, Ankur Mahesh, Karthik Kashinath
Instructors: Amanda Burke, Kate Avery, Hamid Kamangir, Karthik Kashinath, Ben Toms, Ryan Lagerquist, Elizabeth Barnes, David John Gagne, Ankur Mahesh
2019: Machine Learning in Python for Environmental Science Problems
Organizers: David John Gagne and Ryan Lagerquist
Instructors: Sheri Mickelson, Greg Herman, David John Gagne, Ryan Lagerquist