The Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry is one of the Science and Technology Advisory Committees (STAC) to the AMS. The committee represents membership engaged in research and education related to atmospheric chemical and physical processes and composition. The committee’s expertise spans a range of scientific disciplines reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of atmospheric chemistry research.
Each year the committee organizes the Atmospheric Chemistry Conference and the Symposium on Aerosol- Cloud-Climate Interactions, as part of the AMS annual meeting. The committee welcomes session topic solicitations from members and non- members, and encourages participation of graduate students in these meetings where awards are given for best student oral and poster presentations.
Dr. Yuan Wang, Chair,
Assistant Professor, Stanford University, Earth System Science
Affiliated Faculty, Woods Institute for the Environment
Y2E2 Rm 343, 473 Via Ortega
Stanford, CA 94305
Dr. Qing Liang, Vice-Chair
Research Physical Scientist, NASA/GSFC
Mail Code 614
Greenbelt, MD 20771