Why join the AMS Committee on Hydrology?
By joining the AMS Committee on Hydrology, you get an unparalleled chance to directly influence the shape and communication of hydrologic science and operations in the US. As a Committee member, you will steer the annual AMS Conference on Hydrology, recommend awardees and new AMS Fellows, encourage students, represent AMS in matters concerning hydrology and vice-versa, and more (see complete terms of reference). You will gain exposure to all facets of hydrological and hydrometeorological science and practice, and to their scientists and practitioners. For early career hydrologists, this demonstrates to current and future employers a significant commitment to service; for established hydrologists it is a chance to give back to our community. For all hydrologists, it is a reflection of the esteem in which you are held by your colleagues.
How to apply:
If you are interested in joining the Committee, please submit a CV or Résumé that stresses your service commitment and a Letter of Intent that explains your area of expertise, your reasons for wishing to join the committee, what you think you'd bring to it (e.g., new ideas or directions for the Committee, etc.), and how you've contributed to the AMS in the past (e.g., participation in AMS hosted meetings , or involvement in local or student chapters, etc.). These materials must be compiled into one PDF and sent via this Google Form.
While applicants may be solicited by a current committee member, this is not necessary; applying without prior solicitation will not prejudice your application. While applications can be submitted at any time, we will only evaluate applications after two designated membership drives:
Once a membership drive closes, the Committee on Hydrology will vote on accepting the number of members needed. A two-thirds majority is needed for an application to be approved.
Applicants will be notified of their acceptance within two months from the date the membership drive closes. Those who are not selected will be notified within the same window, and will receive feedback on how to strengthen their application should they wish to reapply in the future.
Appointment to the committee:
A full committee comprises 21 people, of whom two are student members. Selected members are typically appointed once per year, following the AMS Annual Meeting (January), and serve for three years—excepting the two student members, who each serve a two-year term. Terms begin on the February 1st following a member’s selection and approval (after the Annual Meeting), and end on the January 31st three years following their selection. Membership can be renewed for an additional three years for a total of up to six years. Time as a student member does not count towards full membership status, meaning that one can serve for an absolute maximum of eight years.
Note: For the period of time that members serve on the committee, they will NOT be eligible for the Robert E. Horton Lectureship in Hydrology to avoid any potential conflicts of interest. They are, of course, eligible for the award both before and after their service on their committee.
Membership expectations:
During their tenure on the Committee, members are expected to:
Selection criteria considered by the Committee include: