Remote Sensing Lecturer

The Committee on Measurements, as well as the Radar, Satellite, Laser, and Atmospheric Radiation Committees are responsible for making nominations for the Remote Sensing Lecturer.

The Remote Sensing Lecturer is selected in recognition of sustained, outstanding contributions to passive and active remote sensing of the atmosphere or oceans. The lecture is presented at one of the following conferences: Radar, Satellite, Laser, Atmospheric Radiation, and/or Measurements depending on the Lecturer and topic. The lecture will be published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.  Selection of the Lecturer is made by the Council on the recommendation of a panel chaired by the STAC Commissioner and composed of the Chairs of the Radar, Satellite, Laser, Atmospheric Radiation, and Measurements Committees.

Past recipients of the Remote Sensing Lecturer Award:

2001 Robert D. Cess, State University of New York at Stony Brook, "for pioneering contributions to the development and application of remote sensing for understanding the Earth's radiation budget."

2000 – M. Patrick McCormick, NASA Langley Research Center.

1999 – S. Harvey Melfi, University of Maryland, "for sustained, outstanding contributions to laser remote sensing of the atmosphere."

1998 – William L. Smith, NASA Langley Research Center, "Satellite Remote Sensing – The Evolution of a Global Observing System."

1997 – Edgeworth R. Westwater, University of Colorado, "Remote Sensing of Tropospheric Temperature and Water Vapor by Integrated Observing Systems."

1996 – Richard M. Schotland, University of Arizona, "Active Remote Sensing and Undergraduate Education."

1993 – Verner E. Suomi, University of Wisconsin, "Future Weather Satellites: An International Approach."

1991 – David Atlas, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, "Evolution: Bats, Radar, and Science."