Field Projects

Cb cloud of a supercell storm

OREO: Outreach and Radar Education in Orography
late 2017




In the DOW (Doppler On Wheels) during a sidewalk exhibit at the University of Utah.

winter 2016 - spring 2017


The CU Boulder TLS and the Perdigao wind turbine.

winter 2015

Joe Zagrodnik installs a disdrometer for Olympex



Chilean Coastal Orographic Precipitation Experiment

summer 2015


Students in Curanilahue helping with a radiosonde launch

DEEPWAVE: Deep Propagating Gravity Wave Experiment
summer 2014

Vanda Grubisic (NCAR/EOL) and Richard Turner (NIWA) prepare for the GV to takeoff.


winter 2013 - 2014


OWLeS participants celebrating a successful IOP.


METCRAXII: Meteor Crater Experiment - 2
fall 2013


Manuela Lehner and Chris Galli (U. Utah) prepare to launch a tethersonde for METCRAXII.

Materhorn: Mountain terrain atmospheric modeling and observations program
winter 2012/2013

Matt Jeglum (U. Utah) monitors instruments during Materhorn.

HYMEX: HYdrological cycle in Mediterranean EXperiment
fall 2012


HYMEX participants install roof-top instruments in Italy.

ASCII: The Agl Seeding Cloud Impacts Investigation - 2011/2012

In ASCII snow samples were collected and chemically analyzed for silver iodide and various aerosol components.  The wind was howling on many days, but nowhere as badly as at Battle Pass, the site of the DOW radar.


Yang Yang (U. Wyoming) collects snow samples during ASCII


DOMEX: DOMinica EXperiment - 2011

The Dominica Experiment was designed to study orographic precipitation in the tropics with cumulus triggering by forced ascent in unblocked flow.

The DOMEX crew poses in front of the Wyoming King Air

SOLPEX: Sounding Observations of Lake-effect Precipitation EXperiment

Multiple field studies have examined lake-effect precipitation produced by large lakes, such as the Great Lakes, the Great Salt Lake has received relatively little attention. The complex environment of a salt-water terminal lake immediately adjacent to steep, high topographic barriers is unusual and makes for hazardous weather.

Jeff Massey (U. Utah) prepares to launch a radiosonde during SOLPEX

PCAPS: Persistent Cold-Air Pool Study

PCAPS is part of a three-year grant from the NSF to investigate the processes leading to the formation, maintenance, and destruction of persistent mid-winter temperature inversions that form in the Salt Lake Basin.

Sebastian Hoch (U. Utah) installs a hobo for the field phase of PCACPs

COPS: Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study
Summer 2007

Scientists test instruments for COPS

METCRAX: Meteor Crater Experiment




Bill Brown (NCAR) instructes University of Utah students on how to operate equipment during METCRAX


T-REX: Terrain-induced Rotor Experiment


UC Berkeley Students install soil moisture sensors for T-Rex