Minutes of the AMS Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology Committee Meeting April 18, 2013


AMS Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology Committee

Meeting Summary


1.           Meeting Participants:  The following people participated in the AMS Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology (SatMOC) Committee meeting held on Thursday, April 18, 2013, 12:00 p.m.-12:58p.m. (EDT).





Steve Ackerman

University of Wisconsin

[email protected]

Ken Carey

Earth Resources Technology, Inc.

[email protected]

Jordan Gerth

University of Wisconsin

[email protected]

Pat Kablick

University of Maryland

[email protected]

Shaima Nasiri

Texas A&M

[email protected]

Derek Posselt

University of Michigan

[email protected]

Justin Tsu

University of Michigan

[email protected]

Chris Velden

University of Wisconsin

[email protected]

Fuzhong Weng


[email protected]

Song Yang


[email protected]

Jianglong Zhang

University of North Dakota

[email protected]


2.           Agenda


·      Welcome/Opening Remarks (Ken)

·      Committee Member News (Ken)

·      Discuss our Goal/Focus Areas for 2013 (ALL)

o   Promote and support involvement and engagement by AMS members in national and international satellite meteorology, oceanography and climatology meetings, events, and activities

1)      Joint 2013 EUMETSAT-19th AMS Conference (Chris Velden, Mitch Goldberg, Fuzhong Weng, Shaima Nasiri, Ken Carey, Jianglong Zhang, Derek Posselt, Steve Ackerman, Carol Anne Clayson)

Discuss how we would like to allocate the $1500 Program Chair funds

2)      2.  SatMOC Joint Session at the 2014 AMS Annual Meeting (Mitch Goldberg, Ken Carey, Chris Velden, Song Yang, Steve Ackerman, Shaima Nasiri)

3)      3.  20th AMS SatMet Meeting at the 2015 AMS Annual Meeting (Mitch Goldberg, Ken Carey, Chris Velden, Song Yang, Steve Ackerman, Shaima Nasiri)

4)      4.  2nd Joint Asia/AMS-21st AMS Satellite Meteorology Conference as part of the 6th Asia-Oceania Satellite Meteorology Users' Conference (Ken Carey, Song Yang)

o   Support awareness of satellite meteorology, oceanography and climatology issues and activities through the AMS committee web portal (Justin Tsu, Ken Carey, Derek Posselt)

o   Promote excellence in satellite meteorology, oceanography and climatology by supporting awards to recognize extraordinary people (James Yoe and Jianglong Zhang)

o   Advocate for science-based decisions related to or involving satellite meteorology, oceanography and climatology systems, techniques, products and tools (Carol Anne Clayson)

·      Identify next steps (Ken)


3.           Discussion Highlights

·      Ken welcomed and thanked everyone for their involvement and participation in this discussion; indicated conference call would held quarterly to keep our dialogue going, stay connected

·      The registration for the SATMET meeting, held jointly with EUMETSAT will start on or about the first of May.  Phil Ardanuy and Chris Velden are the USA representatives.

·      Shaima Nasiri and Ken Carey represent the AMS SatMOC committee.

·      The program chairs were given $1.5K.  We need to decide how to use that.  Shaima thought that there was going to be light student participation.  However, there is the opportunity for students to attend if we make a travel grant available.  Shaima recommended that we fund a student who is not presenting.  The student would have to write a page or two to apply.

·      The committee decided that we would open it up to a student from a United States university.  An abstract would need to have been submitted or will be submitted.

·      We will send an announcement stating that money is available to partially fund student travel.  To be eligible, you need to submit an abstract for a poster.  We need to quickly evaluate the applications.  A form must also be completed by the student’s adviser.

·      We may need to have other application criteria.  A letter of recommendation and abstract

·      We had heard from EUMETSAT that they were willing to waive the registration fee for whatever student was selected.  The funds would cover most of the airfare.

·      For the AMS annual meeting in Atlanta, Phil is the overall co-chair.

·      Every three years, we come back for a full meeting with the AMS annual meeting.  That will be in New Orleans in 2015.

·      Shaima will not be able to attend the 2014 AMS annual meeting, but she will able to attend 2015.

·      Australia, China, then Korea/Japan to plan for a future meeting.  Through Jim Purdom, we are looking into having the Second Joint Asia/AMS-21st AMS Satellite Meteorology Conference

·      Embedded within the Asia/Oceania Satellite Users’ Conference.

·      Nothing formal has taken place but fall of 2016 is the target meeting.

·      We would have to sort out how to combine a scientific conference with a users’ conference.

·      Our committee web site is mostly out of date.  There is not really a lot of current information.  There is no reason to have a web site unless it is relevant.  Justin has put together a mockup.

§  Some of the older information will be archived.

§  Add a section to post the winner of the committee award

§  Right after the Suomi NPP launch, that should have been on our web site.

·      Awards:

§  We have the opportunity to nominate someone as a fellow, for the Remote Sensing Prize, or our committee award.  We will post the committee award winner on the web site.  Jianglong requests that this be a group effort.  If someone deserves an award, we should bring them to the committee.  All the AMS awards must be done by the first of May.

§  The Remote Sensing Prize alternates between satellite and radar.  We need to go through a second committee to award someone the Remote Sensing Prize.  The satellite committee as a whole.  Even if we nominate from our committee, we are competing with other nominations.  They will not win if they do not get submitted.

·      If there is an area of our profession which we would need to advocate for (e.g., JPSS funding cut).  That is an evolving goal for what we will do with that.

·      Shaima asked about the kind of United States participation at the Vienna meeting in September.  There will be a list of people in two months who are authorized to travel.  It may be seven or eight people from NESDIS total from all line offices.

·      Chris, Steve, Shaima, Jordan, Derek, Carol, and Mitch will all be at the Vienna meeting.

·      Justin Tsu asked about the Asian meeting planning committee; Ken indicated it would be held in conjunction at the 2013 Asia-Oceania Satellite User’s Meeting, and that more details would follow.

·      Next full SatMOC Committee meeting will be held in July 2013.


4.           Action Items

·      Everyone:  look at the committee directory online to make sure committee member information is current.

·      Provide Justin feedback on his committee web page “mock-up”.

·      Justin:  Add our committee award to our web page.  Ken will get a photo from Phil.

·      Shaima Nasiria, Steve Ackerman, and Jianglong Zhang:  Take lead on putting to together the announcement and evaluation process for selecting the winner of the competition.  Jordan Gerth said that he would help evaluate abstracts.  Ken will help ensure our request for funding is sent to the AMS.

·      Everyone:  If you have something that would be appropriate for the committee activities.  Also relevant, would be current news and announcements.  There will be a nice PowerPoint slide on the opening page with all of these announcements.  If you were to click on that picture, it will go to the new story for what was clicked on.