News and Announcements

  • Upcoming Conferences
  • Call for STAC Award Nomination (due September 4, 2023)
  • New Membership Application (due September 1, 2023)

Upcoming Conferences

Jan 2024: Sixth Special Symposium on Tropical Meteorology and Tropical Cyclones, and 12th Symposium on the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Sub-Seasonal Monsoon Variability at 104th AMS Annual Meeting (Baltimore, MD)

May 2024: 36th AMS Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology (Long
Beach, CA)

Call for STAC Award Nomination (due September 4, 2023):

Call for Nominations: The AMS Scientific and Technical Activities Commission (STAC) Committee on Tropical Meteorology and Tropical Cyclone Outstanding Early Career Award

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) Science and Technological Activities Commission (STAC) Committee on Tropical Meteorology and Tropical Cyclones seeks nominations for this year’s STAC Committee Award for Outstanding Early Career. Your nominations are critical to identifying the diverse group of deserving candidates for these awards. No formal letter is required for this nomination and you can submit your nomination through this Google Form. Please see below for the description of this award and nomination process. All nominations are due September 4, 2023.

STAC Awards

STAC awards are given to individuals whose outstanding contributions further the goals of the STAC, which is to advance science and technology by promoting the open exchange of ideas, strengthening our disciplinary communities, enhancing collaboration and dialog among these communities, embracing diversity, celebrating and fostering excellence, and cultivating the next generation of scientists and leaders. There are three types of STAC awards that we rotate annually: Outstanding Early Career, Distinguished Scientific/Technical Accomplishment, and Outstanding Service awards. 

  • Outstanding Early Career Award is given to an individual within 10 years of having earned their highest degree, or are under 40 years of age when nominated, who has made a significant contribution to the discipline and is on a path to becoming a science leader in the community. Consideration will also be given, however, to those who are still in the early stage of their careers but have seen these interrupted for up to 5-10 years by military service, or family and career circumstances. 
  • The Distinguished Scientific/Technological Accomplishment awards a mid or late-career individual who has made significant contributions to the discipline and is well recognized within the discipline as being a science/technological leader. Mid and late careers are nominally taken to include individuals beyond 10 years of having earned their highest degree. 
  • Outstanding Service Award is given to an individual who has made significant contributions to the STAC Committee/Board or in service to the larger community in the Committee/Board discipline.

This year, we only seek nominations for the Outstanding Early Career Award. 

Nomination Process: Please submit the following through this Google Form.

  • Nominee’s name
  • A statement of nominee’s qualification for this award in the discipline of tropical meteorology and tropical cyclone
  • A proposed citation (20-word maximum)
  • Nominee Curriculum Vitae (including bibliography) or a link to their most updated CV

New Membership Application:

The AMS Committee on Tropical Meteorology and Tropical Cyclone is seeking new members to join the committee from February 2024. This committee is part of the AMS Scientific and Technological Activities Commission (STAC) and we focus on supporting the advancement, communication, and application of knowledge related to tropical meteorology and tropical cyclones. Please see our website for more information on our activities and current list of members.

We are looking to add new members who would add to the diversity of our committee members, in particular with respect to gender, race, scientific expertise, experience, and representation from different job sectors (academia, government, private sector). We are especially looking for a student representative and a member from the international community this year. A typical minimum term of a membership is three years, which can be renewed for a total of six years. Members are expected to actively participate and support our activities. The hours of commitment would vary by time of year and your specific role.
If you are interested in joining, please email the following information to the chair and vice-chair, Naoko Sakaeda ([email protected]) and Rob Rogers ([email protected]), by September 1, 2023 with subject “Membership Application for AMS Committee on Tropical Meteorology and Tropical Cyclones”.

  • Your CV
  • A brief statement on why you are interested in joining
  • If you are applying for a student representative, please indicate your expected time of graduation.

If you have already previously submitted your membership application, please send them again to confirm your continuing interest.