AMS Position Letters

From time to time, AMS signs letters of support with other organizations in an effort to reach policy and thought leaders on critically important topics across the greater scientific community.

November 11, 2020
Multi-organization letter on the "Saving the Civil Service Act"
October 27, 2020
Multi-organization letter to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on spectrum issues
October 7, 2020
Multi-society letter to OMB expressing concerns on restrictions on DEI training in federal programs
October 1, 2020
Multi-society letter to NSF on role of societies in addressing COVID-19 challenges to research
August 13, 2020
Multi-organization letter expressing concerns with anti-science rhetoric
August 12, 2020
Multi-organization letter expressing continued concerns on possible FCC action on spectrum
August 5, 2020
Letter to FCC on protecting passive microwave sensing portion of spectrum
July 8, 2020
Multi-Society Letter Opposing SEVP Modification for Student Visas
June 15, 2020
Multi-organization letters to House and Senate on spectrum usage
June 3, 2020
Multi-organization letter to FCC supporting NTIA Petition for Stay on spectrum allocation
May 18, 2020
Multi-society letter providing comments on the EPA proposed rule: "Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science"
May 18, 2020
Multi-organization letter providing comments on the EPA proposed rule: "Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science"
May 6, 2020
Multi-organization statement expressing concerns on spectrum usage
May 6, 2020
Input to OSTP on public access to peer-reviewed scholarly publications, data and code resulting from federally funded research
April 16, 2020
Joint Letter to FCC expressing concerns on sharing GOES spectrum
September 12, 2019
Joint AMS and NWA Community Message
September 4, 2019
Multi-society letter on international researcher participation in the U.S. scientific enterprise
June 20, 2019
Joint society filing to FCC on the use of the 1675-1680 MHz spectrum
April 9, 2019
Multi-society Letter to Congress on Federal Research Investments
February 11, 2019
Joint letter on harm to American science by the partial government shutdown
January 30, 2019
Joint Scientific Society Letter Responding to the Proposed Title IX Regulations
October 16, 2018
Letter to President Trump on Climate Change
September 27, 2018
Multi-organization ex parte submission to FCC on use of spectrum
September 4, 2018
Joint letter on Administration's space policy and radio frequency spectrum
August 16, 2018
Joint society letter on EPA proposed science transparency rule