Policy Program studies and analysis expand the knowledge base on which societal decisions rest.
- Making Communities Stronger and More Secure
This study identifies opportunities for strengthening communities with respect to weather, water, and climate.
- Toward an Integrated Approach to Water
This study synthesizes the results from three previous AMS Policy Program studies on water.
- Opportunities for Forecast-Informed Water Resources Management
This study analyzes how the forecasting and water resource communities could work together to improve water resource management across the United States.
- A Reset for U.S. Natural Hazards Policy? Lessons from Harvey, Irma, and Maria
Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria subjected the United States and its sovereign territory to an unexpected and unwelcome stress test. This AMS Policy Program study is based, in part, on a workshop that occurred on November 15-16, 2017 and included pre-event online discussion of key topics.
- Water and the Coasts: Opportunity, Vulnerability, and Risk Management
Water is simultaneously a critical resource and a major threat, particularly in coastal areas. This study explores opportunities for improving coastal risk management efforts.
- A Road Weather Research Agenda
Weather plays a role in 24 percent of all crashes – approximately 1.5 million of them. This study identifies opportunities to take advantage of rapid changes in technology and advances in communications to allow road weather managers to manage traffic and fleets more effectively and to enable motorists to make better decisions.
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- Harnessing Science and Technology for National Benefit
The application of new knowledge for societal benefit is pivotal to the future of nations and global society. As described in this study, the United States has a significant opportunity to accelerate the transition of research into beneficial operations and services that serve the national interest.
- Understanding the Water Landscape of the United States
Understanding the water landscape of the United States: A review of science and policy recommendation
- Weather and Climate in the 2016 Budget
Analysis of President Obama's budget request
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- A Conceptual Tool for Climate Change Risk Assessment
We develop a new conceptual tool to explore the potential societal consequences of climate change.
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