AMS Soundings is a monthly newsletter that goes out to AMS members and friends. Each edition includes news updates, profiles, awards, special articles, important dates, and other great information about all that’s going on with AMS, our work, and our community. We hope you enjoy reading it, and we always welcome your feedback.
Congressional Science Fellowship information, AMS election results, and a newly revised format all in this month's issue of Soundings.
Annual Meeting Special Events, New book, Education Opportunities and more in this issue of Soundings.
Annual Meeting spotlight, new AMS Meteorological Monographs, Climate Studies Diversity Project Implementation Workshop and more in this issue of Soundings.
The value of becoming a Certified Consulting Meteorologist, upcoming workshops and lectures, and Glossary Word of the Month all in this issue of AMS Soundings!
In this issue all about reports from State of the Climate 2015 to the AMS Annual Report and much more. Read about it here.
Read the AMS Statement on Weather, Water, and Climate Priorities, find out about our new 'School of Ice" workshop, and see the latest AMS Meteorological Monograph in this issue of Soundings.
Read about AMS journal production times, watch interviews with AMS-published, Europe-based atmospheric scientists, and review slides from the AMS Policy Program's Capitol Hill briefing on "Radio Spectrum for Earth Science."
Read the latest on radio frequency allocation, student travel grants, and ways to get involved with AMS in this issue of Soundings!
Inside you'll find a letter from AMS President Fred Carr, news on the AMS Education and Policy Programs, information on AMS awards, upcoming important dates for the AMS community, and much more!