Spotlight: 2016 AMS Award Winners
The 2016 AMS award winners have been announced! AMS Awards allow our community to acknowledge those individuals, teams of people, and organizations whose work should be recognized for its greater purpose and value to the entire enterprise. See the full list of recipients online. Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you to everyone who sent in a nomination!
AMS Annual Meeting
The 96th AMS Annual Meeting is coming up fast! Abstract acceptances are sent and the scientific program is available. As you plan your travel, consider arriving in New Orleans in time to attend one of the fantastic short courses offered on the weekend!
Attention students! The deadline for applications is quickly approaching for travel grants and the student assistant program. Seniors and graduate students are eligible for grants, and undergraduates willing to assist at the meeting can receive hotel accommodations and a per diem. Apply now! Deadline is 9 October.
Important Dates
18–22 April 2016
15–19 August 2016
Did You Know?
The ballot for AMS President-Elect and Councilors is open for voting. The deadline to vote is 10 November.
The AMS Board for Private Sector Meteorologists has a mentorship program that fosters one-on-one personal interactions between mentors employed in the private sector and students interested in working in the private sector. If you are a professional interested in becoming a mentor or a student who would like to apply for a mentorship, the deadline for applications is 15 November.
From 7 to 10 September, Monique Kuglitsch, Tom Champoux, and Sandy MacDonald attended the European Meteorological Society/European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (EMS/ECAM) annual meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria. The AMS booth promoted our membership, journals, and books. In addition, on 9 September, a meeting between AMS and EMS explored ways that our societies can more closely collaborate in the future.

(left to right) Sandy MacDonald (AMS President), Horst Boettger
(EMS President), Martina Junge (EMS Executive Secretary), Monique Kuglitsch (AMS Technical Editor), and Tom Champoux (AMS Director of Communications)