7th Grade-High School Student Resources

AMS Chapter Information
College Selection: Listing of Schools in the Atmospheric and Related Sciences
School Talks Organized by Research Meteorologists (STORM)

This is a great opportunity for your students to interact with a scientist who studies the very phenomena they experience every day, from rainbows to winter storms.  The AMS scientists would be happy to discuss weather or climate at a level appropriate for your class and to answer questions that your students may have.

AMS Career Center
AMS Intern Board

This area was constructed to help connect our members with new internship opportunities. Use the links below to guide you as you begin your internship search. Recruiters: You now have access to a pool of candidates searching for internships in the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences.

Science Fairs: Science Buddies
Careers: NOAA Careers
Scholarships: AMS Scholarships and Fellowships
Scholarships: Ventures Scholars Program
Science Fairs: informED
Careers: A Career Guide for the Atmospheric Sciences
Careers: Occupational Outlook Handbook Atmospheric Scientists, Including Meteorologists
NOAA Education Resources
AMS Education Program: Project ATMOSPHERE

A pre-college teacher-enhancement program on the fundamentals of meteorology

AMS Bookstore
Membership Information