You've decided to share your science at an AMS meeting—great! Here's how:
Submit your abstract
- Choose the meeting at which you would like to present. Not sure which one to choose? Read through the Call for Papers for all upcoming AMS meetings.
- Follow the 6 steps listed in the Abstract Control Panel (left side of screen).
- Please limit submissions to 1000 words.
- The abstract submission fee is $120 (information below).
- While the AMS does not limit the number of abstracts a person can submit, some program chairpersons may limit the number of oral presentations per speaker within the same program. Also, please note that it is AMS policy to not allow the same presentation be given as both an oral and poster within the same conference.
- There is no limit to the number of co-authors a submitter can include in their abstract.
- Read through our Abstract Tips & Guidelines before submitting your final abstract.
- Check your inbox for a confirmation email. It will contain your abstract id and password, which you can use to make changes to your abstract and upload your supplementary information (instructions below).
- You'll receive an acceptance email approx. 4-6 weeks after the abstract deadline.

Use the User Portal
- All abstract authors have the opportunity to use our User Portal to manage his or her abstract before and after acceptance. There is no fee to use Presenter’s Corner.
- Check/change abstract title and author list.
- Withdraw abstract from the meeting.
- Upload supplementary information:
- Presentation file (PDF/PPT)
- Extended abstract (PDF)
- Optional presentation file (PDF)
- Supplementary URL
We encourage all presenters to submit supplementary information as your time to present at the meeting is limited. Posting this information online is an excellent opportunity to include more detailed information that may require more time for study than is available at the meeting. All supplementary information is available in the meeting webprogram within 24 hours of upload – so you can reference it before, during, and after the meeting!
Present at the Meeting
We want your presentation to be a success! Check out our Presenter Guidelines for tips and information about your presentation.
Find Your Abstract on the AMS Website
Your abstract will appear in the webprogram of the meeting to which you submitted. Webprograms are posted on the webpage for each AMS meeting or search past AMS meetings.
For specific information for your meeting, including important dates, please see the Author Instructions page on your meeting's webpage.

*Abstract Submission Fee
The abstract submission fee of $120 (payable by credit card) is due at the time of abstract submission. It is refundable only if your abstract is not accepted and will not be refunded in the event of withdrawal. Abstracts whose fees are not paid within two weeks of the abstract submission deadline will not be presented—they will be deleted from both the conference agenda and online webprogram.
Please note that every presenter, in-person or remote, must register for the meeting. The abstract fee is separate from the registration fee. Annual Meeting registration fees will be determined in early September. If an estimate is needed before then, please reference the previous year’s registration rates.
What's Included in the Abstract Fee?
Your fee includes your abstract, extended abstract (optional), and your recorded oral presentation posted to the online program which is available to all visitors for free.
Withdrawn Papers
Withdrawn papers will still be accessible on the conference online webprogram and authors will still be able to upload supplementary information such as extended abstracts, .pdfs of presentations and/or poster images, as well as links to other websites.