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- 1. What's it Worth? Four Perspectives on the Valuation of the Weather, Water, Climate Enterprise
Valuation is critical to decision making at all levels. The set of studies synthesized here can contribute to a common understanding how value can be enhanced and communicated within and outside of the weather, water, and climate enterprise.
- 2. Three Policies Shape Enterprise Value: Minor Adjustments Could Enhance the Societal Benefit
This American Meteorological Society Policy Study examines the role that public policy plays in determining the sum societal value of Earth Observations, Science, and Services (OSS) as well as the allocation of that value and the costs of OSS production across society.
- 3. Weather-Water-Climate Value Chain(s): Giving VOICE to the Characterization of the Economic Benefits of Hydro-Met Services and Products
This study presents a framework for elucidating value chains and illustrates different ways the value chain concept can help us understand, communicate, and enhance the societal benefits of Earth system observation, science, and services (ESOSS).
- 4. Societal Benefits in Weather, Water, and Climate: Understanding, Communication, and Enhancement
Humanity is experiencing a period of rapid global change that is driven by technological, societal, and environmental disruption. Meeting the challenges and opportunities associated with global change will depend on understanding, communicating, and enhancing the societal benefits of Earth system observations, science, and services.
- 5. Harnessing Science and Technology for National Benefit
The application of new knowledge for societal benefit is pivotal to the future of nations and global society. As described in this study, the United States has a significant opportunity to accelerate the transition of research into beneficial operations and services that serve the national interest.
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