Kevin Thiel – Chair (Term 2019-2022)
Kevin is Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology and the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS), currently pursuing a M.S. in Meteorology. He graduated from Ohio University in 2018 with a B.S. in Meteorology, where he was president of its AMS Student Chapter (OUCAMS) for two years. The leadership and outreach opportunities provided by local AMS chapters are what inspired Kevin to join the AMS Local Chapter Affairs Committee, and he hopes to strengthen the connection between AMS local chapters and the national AMS.

Adam Weiner – Chair-Elect (Term 2020-2023)
Adam Weiner is a Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) within the Severe Weather Institute – Radar and Lightning Laboratories (SWIRLL). He is pursuing a Master of Science in Atmospheric Science with his research focused on QLCS severe weather. Adam obtained his B.S. in Meteorology from Millersville University of Pennsylvania in 2020, where he served in the capacities of Historian, Treasurer, and President of the university’s AMS Student Chapter. His significant involvement within this AMS Student Chapter and continued participation within the UAH AMS/NWA Student Chapter has translated into his ardent desire to help local chapters thrive. In light of this, Adam is honored to serve as Chair of the Local Chapter Affairs Committee starting in January 2022.

Benjamin Bacon – Member (Term 2021-2024)
Benjamin is a first year graduate student at Stony Brook University pursuing a M.S. in Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, where he is studying the microphysics of winter storms, and how these are shown in model simulations. He received a B.S. in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences from Stony Brook University in 2020. During his time at Stony Brook, he served as both treasurer and president of its AMS Student Chapter, working to increase the chapter’s involvement with the national AMS. This is something he hopes he can carry over and help smaller chapters to do during his time as a member of the LCAC.

Janice Bytheway – Member (Term 2020-2023)
Janice is a Research Scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) in Boulder, CO. Her research is focused on improving our understanding of the uncertainties in precipitation estimates and forecasts in regions of complex terrain. She received her BS in Earth Science with a concentration in operational meteorology from California University of Pennsylvania and her MS and PhD in Atmospheric Science from Colorado State University. Janice’s participation in local AMS chapters presented her with opportunities and connections that heavily influenced her career path, and she hopes to pay it forward as a member of the LCAC.

Sid King – Member (Term 2021-2024)
Sid King is a Meteorologist at the National Weather Service, where he has helped provide forecast, warning, and decision support services for the progressive and high-profile Atlanta forecast office since 2016. Sid is also a highly active member of the Metro Atlanta AMS/NWA chapter, serving on the officer team for three years, including a term as President in the 2020 calendar year. Before starting an NWS career, he gained experience and perspective on environmental topics while working as a project assistant for Allen Engineering and Science from 2013 until 2015. He obtained a B.S. in Meteorology from the University of South Alabama in 2012 and an M.S. in Meteorology from Florida State University in 2016. Throughout his career and his education, Sid has always sought to engage with the community through outreach and public education and is looking forward to continuing that work with the LCAC.

Emily Paltz – Member (Term 2020-2023)
Emily is pursuing a M.S. in Atmospheric Science from the University at Albany (UAlbany), State University of New York (SUNY) where she is studying the physical processes associated with changes in tropical cyclone size and the communication that occurs between forecasters and emergency managers regarding changes in tropical cyclone size. She graduated with a B.S. in Meteorology and minors in Mathematics and Political Science from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) in May 2018. During her undergraduate career, Emily served separately as the president and secretary for UNL AMS for a year each. She also was actively involved in her chapter’s outreach events. Emily began her term with the LCAC in January 2020 and hopes to help strengthen the relationship between local AMS chapters and the national AMS!

Tanya Peevey – Member (Term 2019-2022)
Tanya is a member of the AMS Denver-Boulder Local Chapter. She originally hails from Alaska but is currently a Research Scientist at NOAA in Boulder, CO. Tanya's start in the field of atmospheric sciences began with conducting basic research in the subfield of the Upper Troposphere - Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) and air mass exchange. After her PhD, she had a 1 year Postdoc in Germany conducting similar work and then was lucky to be offered a job at NOAA. Since starting at NOAA, Tanya has worked in the area of Forecast Verification. When she first joined NOAA, she focused on verifying global forecasts using Observing System Simulation Experiment and Observing System Experiment frameworks. After that she slightly changed focus by verifying forecasts for products of interest to the FAA and NWS such as turbulence and ceiling and visibility. Tanya also enjoys volunteering for service activities such as the LCAC since she believes it is important to give back to the scientific community and public that has given so much to her.

Lauren Pounds – Member (Term 2021-2024)
Lauren is a Graduate Research Assistant at the University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology and the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS) pursuing a M.S. in Meteorology. Her Master’s research focuses on the formation of severe hail. She graduated from Mississippi State University with a B.S. in Geosciences in 2019. During her time at MSU she served as Secretary and then President of the East Mississippi Chapter of the AMS and NWA. While at OU she served as the Graduate Representative for the OU Student Chapter of the AMS and NWA (OU SCAN). Local chapter involvement has positively influenced Lauren’s career and she is excited to encourage more involvement in local chapters across the country.

Tyler Stanfield – Member (Term 2021-2024)
Tyler is a Graduate Teaching Assistant in the Department of Geography at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. He received his B.S. in meteorology from the University of Oklahoma in 2020 where he was heavily involved in the Student Chapter of the AMS/NWA (OU SCAN) and served as President in his final year. His desire to join the AMS Local Chapter Affairs Committee was fueled by the success he witnessed within his own student chapter in connecting students to service, career, and education opportunities that enhance their skill sets and capabilities in the meteorology field. As a committee member, he wants to focus his efforts on connecting the local chapters with the national AMS to ensure they are receiving the proper information and resources necessary to thrive.