Aries Systems has introduced a new extraction process, Xtract, with the most recent version of Editorial Manager.
Authors spend valuable time entering information into submission fields when it is already included in their manuscript file. However, these metadata fields are important, and they are used throughout the peer-review and production processes. New with Xtract, when a .doc or .docx file is uploaded, Editorial Manager will attempt to extract and prepopulate these fields.
Using Xtract
Must use with .doc or .docx files
Authors have the option of submitting a PDF (initial submission only), LaTeX, or Word file to AMS journals, but the extraction will work only with .doc or .docx files.
Extracts title, abstract, and author list
Although Aries Systems hopes to expand the number of fields able to be extracted in future releases, these are the only fields available at this time.
Works best with specific formatting
While AMS does not have a specific requirement for formatting of the author list on the manuscript title page, Aries Systems suggests the following to optimize extraction:
- First and last names in the following order: Author Title | First Name | Middle Name | Last Name | Degree
- Consistent punctuation separating authors
- Complete affiliations with a distinct link from each author to his or her affiliation(s)