Organizing a Monograph

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) encourages submission of proposals for new Meteorological Monographs. Monographs are thematic collections of review articles or other papers summarizing state-of-the-art knowledge in meteorology and closely related fields. Such collections should provide a thorough background on a general topic area and have comprehensive reference lists. Contributions to Meteorological Monographs are peer-reviewed and the normal length limitations of AMS articles do not apply. Tribute volumes (or Named Monographs described below) and collections of review papers from special topical meetings are examples of appropriate material for monographs.

Individual Meteorological Monograph articles or chapters are published online as open access, and are available for download as they are published. This ensures that material from monographs becomes available in a timely manner, increasing the exposure and impact of individual articles. Estimates for the cost of a print volume can be provided to organizers by AMS staff. Note that print is optional, and that estimates will be based on the expected number of printed pages and expected number of figures. Print costs are covered by the organizers.

Those interested in organizing a new Meteorological Monograph should submit a “Request for a new Monograph” through AMS Editorial Manager (log in as an Author). You will be asked to include

  • a listing of possible contributing authors,

  • an outline or table of contents,

  • a statement of the proposed Monographs’s value to the Society,

  • a description of the proposed audience or market, and

  • an assessment of where this project fits into existing journals or books.

The request will be evaluated by Meteorological Monograph Series Chief Editor Dr. Greg McFarquhar, who will determine whether the concept is suitable and feasible. If the request is approved, the Organizer will use Editorial Manager to solicit appropriate contributions to the volume. As the articles or chapters are submitted they will be assigned to an expert Volume Editor (selected by the Meteorological Monograph Series Chief Editor) and sent for peer review. The review process will emulate that used for journal contributions, keeping in mind the differences in purpose and value. Accepted contributions will go immediately into production for publication online.

Named Monographs

A named Meteorological Monograph is an honor reserved for only the most outstanding individuals. Named Monographs should be proposed only for those individuals who are completing a career, or who have recently died having completed a career, of significant achievements in their field and whose contributions would make them worthy of consideration for Honorary Member of the AMS. Named Monographs require Council approval. See this page for more on the criteria for Honorary Membership.

To propose a Named Monograph, follow the instructions above, submitting a “Request for a new Monograph” through Editorial Manager. In addition to the items listed above, you will also be asked to submit the following documentation:

  • the individual's CV (including bibliography)
  • other background materials you feel would provide support for the honor (in some cases, for instances, organizers have provided an obituary that includes detailed assessment of the person's career contributions).