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AMS Meteorological Monographs (ISSN: 0065-9401; eISSN: 1943-3646) are thematic collections of review articles or other papers summarizing state-of-the-art knowledge in meteorology and closely related fields. Such collections should provide a thorough background on a general topic area and have comprehensive reference lists. Articles in Meteorological Monographs are peer-reviewed and the normal length limitations of AMS articles would not apply. Tribute volumes and collections of review papers from special topical meetings are examples of appropriate material for monographs.
Starting with Vol. 56, individual monograph articles are open access at AMS Journals Online, while previous volumes are digitally archived and available through Springer Nature. Many monographs are in print and available at the AMS Bookstore, University of Chicago Press, Amazon, and elsewhere.
If you have an idea for a new monograph, please refer to Organizing a Monograph. An AMS editorial, published in 2016, details the new process for monographs and explains the differences between monographs and special collections.
If you are submitting an article/chapter to a monograph, please refer to the information page for monograph authors.
Greg McFarquhar, University of Oklahoma
Gwendolyn Whittaker, Assistant to Greg McFarquhar
Please see the AMS Publications Staff contacts page for Production staff information.