- AMS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement
The American Meteorological Society (AMS) is committed to, and benefits from, the full and equitable participation of a diverse community in its membership, in its activities, and in the audiences that it serves. The advancement of the AMS mission is dependent on its ability to have a professional membership that is fully representative of societal demographics. The Society embraces diversity through the inclusion of individuals reflective of characteristics across age, gender identity and expression, race, sex, religious and spiritual beliefs, nationality, ethnicity, cultural identity, physical ability, cognitive ability, marital status, sexual orientation, body shape or size, socioeconomic status, and other facets of social, institutional, and identity diversity. The AMS strives to create an environment in which all members are welcome, valued, and affirmed and feel that they belong
- Statement on Open Meetings
All meetings of AMS committees, boards, and the Council are, in principle, open to members of the Society, although portions of some meetings may be held in executive session when dealing with personnel issues, awards, or other matters of confidential nature.
As a matter of courtesy and to ensure adequately sized meeting rooms, members wishing to observe a particular committee, board, or Council meeting should contact its chairperson in advance. Members may request a place on the agenda by following a similar procedure. Please feel free to contact AMS Headquarters for assistance.