Journals and Monographs

Since 1919, AMS has been publishing some of the top research in the atmospheric, oceanic, and hydrologic sciences. Today, we publish more than 37,000 pages per year across 12 scientific journals and a series of monographs. Peer reviewed and highly respected, our journals are consistently ranked near the top of their fields in impact factor (IF). Find out how to subscribe to our periodicals as an individual, organization, or institution at our subscription information page.

View Current Issue Submit to BAMS

The Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS) (ISSN: 0003-0007; eISSN: 1520-0477) is the flagship magazine of AMS and publishes articles of interest and significance for the weather, water, and climate community as well as news, editorials, and reviews for AMS members.

2023 Impact Factor:  6.91

Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems
Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems
View Current Issue Submit to AIES

Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems (AIES) (ISSN: 2769-7525) publishes research on the development and application of methods in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), data science, and statistics that is relevant to meteorology, atmospheric science, hydrology, climate science, and ocean sciences. Topics include development of AI/ML, statistical, and hybrid methods and their application; development and application of methods to further the physical understanding of earth system processes from AI/ML models such as explainable and physics-based AI; the use of AI/ML to emulate components of numerical weather and climate models; incorporation of AI/ML into observation and remote sensing platforms; the use of AI/ML for data assimilation and uncertainty quantification; and societal applications of AI/ML for AIES disciplines, including ethical and responsible use of AI/ML and educational research on AI/ML.

Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems is fully open access.

Earth Interactions
Earth Interactions
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Earth Interactions (EI) (ISSN: 1087-3562; eISSN: 1087-3562) publishes integrative, interdisciplinary Earth Systems Science research that advances our understanding of the interactions and coupling between Earth’s physical systems and chemical and biological processes, including (but not limited to) biogeochemical cycling, biodiversity, and the multitude of human influences.

Earth Interactions is fully open access.

2023 Impact Factor: 1.62
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
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The Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (JAMC) (ISSN: 1558-8424; eISSN: 1558-8432) publishes applied research on meteorology and climatology. Examples of meteorological research include topics such as weather modification, satellite meteorology, radar meteorology, boundary layer processes, physical meteorology, air pollution meteorology (including dispersion and chemical processes), agricultural and forest meteorology, mountain meteorology, and applied meteorological numerical models. Examples of climatological research include the use of climate information in impact assessments, dynamical and statistical downscaling, seasonal climate forecast applications and verification, climate risk and vulnerability, development of climate monitoring tools, and urban and local climates.

2023 Impact Factor: 2.61
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
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The Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (JTECH) (ISSN: 0739-0572; eISSN: 1520-0426) publishes research describing instrumentation and methods used in atmospheric and oceanic research, including remote sensing instruments; measurements, validation, and data analysis techniques from satellites, aircraft, balloons, and surface-based platforms; in situ instruments, measurements, and methods for data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation and assimilation in numerical models; and information systems and algorithms.

2023 Impact Factor: 1.95
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
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The Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences (JAS) (ISSN: 0022-4928; eISSN: 1520-0469) publishes basic research related to the physics, dynamics, and chemistry of the atmosphere of Earth and other planets, with emphasis on the quantitative and deductive aspects of the subject.

2023 Impact Factor: 3.01
Journal of Climate
Journal of Climate
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The Journal of Climate (JCLI) (ISSN: 0894-8755; eISSN: 1520-0442) publishes research that advances basic understanding of the dynamics and physics of the climate system on large spatial scales, including variability of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface, and cryosphere; past, present, and projected future changes in the climate system; and climate simulation and prediction.

2023 Impact Factor: 4.81
Journal of Hydrometeorology
Journal of Hydrometeorology
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The Journal of Hydrometeorology (JHM) (ISSN: 1525-755X; eISSN: 1525-7541) publishes research on modeling, observing, and forecasting processes related to fluxes and storage of water and energy, including interactions with the boundary layer and lower atmosphere, and processes related to precipitation, radiation, and other meteorological inputs.

2023 Impact Factor: 3.11
Journal of Physical Oceanography
Journal of Physical Oceanography
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The Journal of Physical Oceanography (JPO) (ISSN: 0022-3670; eISSN: 1520-0485) publishes research related to the physics of the ocean and to processes operating at its boundaries. Observational, theoretical, and modeling studies are all welcome, especially those that focus on elucidating specific physical processes. Papers that investigate interactions with other components of the Earth system (e.g., ocean–atmosphere, physical–biological, and physical–chemical interactions) as well as studies of other fluid systems (e.g., lakes and laboratory tanks) are also invited, as long as their focus is on understanding the ocean or its role in the Earth system.

2023 Impact Factor: 2.83
Monthly Weather Review
Monthly Weather Review
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Monthly Weather Review (MWR) (ISSN: 0027-0644; eISSN: 1520-0493) publishes research relevant to the analysis and prediction of observed atmospheric circulations and physics, including technique development, data assimilation, model validation, and relevant case studies. This research includes numerical and data assimilation techniques that apply to the atmosphere and/or ocean environments. MWR also addresses phenomena having seasonal and subseasonal time scales.

2023 Impact Factor: 2.81
Weather and Forecasting
Weather and Forecasting
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Weather and Forecasting (WAF) (ISSN: 0882-8156; eISSN: 1520-0434) publishes research that is relevant to operational forecasting. This includes papers on significant weather events, forecasting techniques, forecast verification, model parameterizations, data assimilation, model ensembles, statistical postprocessing techniques, the transfer of research results to the forecasting community, and the societal use and value of forecasts. The scope of WAF includes research relevant to forecast lead times ranging from short-term “nowcasts” through seasonal time scales out to approximately two years.

2023 Impact Factor: 3.01
Weather, Climate, and Society
Weather, Climate, and Society
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Weather, Climate, and Society (WCAS) (ISSN: 1948-8327; eISSN: 1948-8335) publishes research and reviews that address economics, policy analysis, political science, history, communication, and institutional, social, health, and behavioral scholarship and research relating to weather and climate, including both climate variability and longer-term climate change. Contributions must include evidence-based analysis and substantive discussion of the interactions of weather and climate with society, taking an integrated approach, drawing on both the social and physical sciences.

Since many authors of WCAS papers are from social science disciplines, for which funding is generally more limited than in the physical sciences, the AMS Council has eliminated page charges for this journal.

2023 Impact Factor: 1.94

Meteorological Monographs

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AMS Meteorological Monographs (ISSN: 0065-9401; eISSN: 1943-3646) are thematic collections of review articles or other papers summarizing state-of-the-art knowledge in meteorology and closely related fields. Such collections should provide a thorough background on a general topic area and have comprehensive reference lists. Articles in Meteorological Monographs are peer-reviewed and the normal length limitations of AMS articles would not apply. Tribute volumes and collections of review papers from special topical meetings are examples of appropriate material for monographs.

1 2023 Journal Impact Factors by Clarivate Analytics; Meteorology and Atmospheric Science category.

2 2023 Journal Impact Factors by Clarivate Analytics; Geosciences category.

3 2023 Journal Impact Factors by Clarivate Analytics; Oceanography category.

4 2023 Journal Impact Factors by Clarivate Analytics; Meteorology and Atmospheric Science and Environmental Studies categories.

5 2023 Journal Impact Factors by Clarivate Analytics; Meteorology and Atmospheric Science and Engineering, Ocean categories.