AMS Code of Conduct

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Approved by the AMS Council, 18 November 2024

The credibility and, therefore, the effectiveness of the American Meteorological Society  (AMS) is dependent upon its Members’ adherence to the core values of inclusion,  objectivity, honesty, openness, fairness, respect, and accountability in both  relationships with colleagues and the conduct of work. AMS maintains the highest  ethical standards in professional and scientific conduct, including intellectual honesty  and integrity. The AMS Council has adopted this Code of Conduct1,2 and the  associated Procedures for Implementing the Code of Conduct (“Procedures”  hereinafter) to articulate and enforce these aspirations.

The Code of Conduct and Procedures apply to all categories of members of the  Society and all other individuals, groups, and entities that participate or are involved in  Society activities; all of these are referred to as “Society Affiliates” for the purpose of  this Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct and Procedures are meant to cover all  aspects of AMS activities comprehensively. Some material may be covered in other  relevant documents, and, in such cases, links to those other documents are contained  herein.

The mission of the American Meteorological Society (“Society” hereinafter) is to  advance the atmospheric and related sciences, technologies, applications, and  services for the benefit of society at large. In furtherance of that mission, the Code of  Conduct and associated Procedures are intended to advance the excellence of the  Society while maximizing contributions to society at large. The Society and the  community of individuals dedicated to advancing weather, water, and climate sciences  (“community” hereinafter) and services flourishes with

  • high-quality work that has credibility and integrity;
  • high standards for workplace culture, the execution of science and services, the  communication of results, and associated conduct that fosters full participation for everyone in the Society and the community;and
  • a community that strives for diversity of people, ideas and approaches to  advance science, technologies, applications, and services while building trust of  current and future participants and all those that enable and benefit from the  community

The Code of Conduct and Procedures advance the aforementioned objectives. Only  individuals, groups, and entities that intend to abide by this Code of Conduct should  seek admission or continuing membership in the Society or engage in Society  activities. This Code of Conduct and Procedures is applicable in all AMS-affiliated  professional settings, including but not limited to office, classroom, laboratory,  publication-related activities, social media, virtual meetings, field research sites, AMS  events, social gatherings associated with professional activities, and travel to and from  these events. At the discretion of the Society,3the Code of Conduct may be applied to  conduct unrelated to Society-associated activities if it impacts a Society Affiliate,  violates a member’s employer’s code of conduct, or concerns the Society’s or the  individual’s professional reputation. 

General Conduct

1. Society Affiliates shall conduct their activities with integrity and the highest  ethical standards.4

2. Society Affiliates must treat all individuals with respect. They must refrain from  discrimination,5 harassment,6 and bullying7in their professional encounters.

3. In addition to their professional conduct, Society Affiliates who witness or are  made aware of discrimination, harassment, or bullying by others should actively  seek to prevent, report, and/or otherwise mitigate the offensive behavior.

4. Society Affiliates shall refrain from knowingly making false accusations of  misconduct. 

5. Society Affiliates shall not retaliate against anyone who has filed a Code of  Conduct complaint.

6. Society Affiliates shall not use or display the official seal of the American  Meteorological Society, the Radio Seal of Approval, the Television Seal of  Approval, or the designation of Certified Consulting Meteorologist, Certified  Broadcast Meteorologist, Certified Digital Meteorologist, or Certified AMS  Teacher unless duly authorized by the Society. 

Professional Conduct 

1. Society Affiliates shall base their research and practice on sound scientific  principles and avoid practices that clearly violate the fundamental tenets of  research.8 Research misconduct is defined as the fabrication, falsification, or  plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research or in reporting  research results. Inadvertent scientific error or incorrect interpretation of  research data that may occur as part of the scientific process does not  constitute scientific misconduct.

2. Society Affiliates shall disclose all relevant financial or other relationships that  might be perceived to influence the outcome of their research.

3. Society Affiliates shall avoid practices generally recognized as detrimental to or  incompatible with public good, such as intentionally propagating disinformation9.

Related Policies

The following additional policies cover various aspects of professional and ethical  conduct for specific endeavors.

Society Affiliates recognize the responsibility of the Society to consider breaches of  this Code of Conduct and to recommend appropriate responses. Allegations of  potential violations should be reported by filing a Code of Conduct complaint.

1 Revisions to the AMS Constitution to recognize the Code and extend the authority of the governance  body (Council) as needed to implement the Procedures are being pursued. 

2 This Code of Conduct is derived in part from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and  Medicine(

3 Discretion (the Society’s) means the Society’s decision, determination, judgment or application of  criteria, is made in the Society’s sole and absolute discretion in pursuit of its mission. Such discretion  shall not be arbitrary or exercised for an illegal purpose (e.g., to discriminate on the basis of sex or race).

4 AMS adopts the White House Office of Scientific and Technology Program’s definition of Fostering  Integrity in Research (p. 5): “Scientific integrity is the adherence to professional practices, ethical  behavior, and the principles of honesty, objectivity, and transparency when conducting, managing, using  the results of, and communicating about science and scientific activities. Inclusivity and protection from  inappropriate influence are hallmarks of scientific integrity."

5 Discrimination is legally defined as prejudicial treatment of individuals or groups of people based on  their race, ethnicity, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity and  expression), national origin, age (40 or older), disability, genetic information (including family medical  history), veteran status, and any other characteristic protected by applicable law.  6 Harassment is unwelcome conduct that is based on race, ethnicity, color, religion, sex (including  pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity and expression), national origin, age (40 or older),  disability, genetic information (including family medical history), veteran status, and any other  characteristic protected by applicable law. Sexual harassment is of particular concern and is marked by  unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual  nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.

7 Bullying is unwelcome, aggressive behavior involving the use of influence, threat, intimidation, or  coercion to dominate others in the professional environment.

8 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, “Fostering Integrity in Research,” National  Academies Press (2017, pp. 73–74, 81).

9 Misinformation is false or inaccurate information—getting the facts wrong. Disinformation is false  information which is deliberately intended to mislead—intentionally misstating the facts. Source American  Psychological Association.