Journal and BAMS Editors and Reviewers

Peer review in AMS Journals is carried out by volunteer reviewers, Associate Editors, Editors, and Chief Editors.

Each AMS technical journal (i.e., all AMS journals except for the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society) is governed by an Editorial Board comprising a Chief Editor or Co-Chief Editors and a selection of Editors. Supporting the editorial boards of each journal are Associate Editors and a pool of expert peer reviewers. 

Learn more: Reviewers | Associate Editors | Editors | Chief Editors | How to Get Involved | Reviewer Recognition at AMS

The Bulletin is looking for volunteers to review books for the Readings section. If you’ve ever wanted to see your name in print, here’s the chance! The books reviewed cover a wide variety of topics of interest to the weather, water, and climate community. This is a great opportunity to not only get involved with AMS but also get published. If you’re interested, please email Sangjun Lee with your fields of expertise/interest to see what books are currently available for review.


Why is peer review such a critical part of the publication process? How does being part of the peer review process help graduate students and early career scientists advance their careers? What exactly are editors looking for when requesting a review? What are the ethical standards reviewers should be aware of?

Watch Monthly Weather Review Chief Editor Dave Schultz (and author of Eloquent Science: A Practical Guide to Becoming a Better Writer, Speaker, and Atmospheric Scientist) as well as other AMS journal editors as they covered those topics and more at the Publications Workshop during the 2017 Annual Meeting.

Peer Review Week 2024 (September 23–27)

Congratulations to the latest recipients of AMS's Editor's Award! Check out the Peer Review Week 2024 page to see what these stellar volunteer reviewers have to say about why they review, how to be a better reviewer, and how both authors and reviewers should approach this process that is central to advancing science.

Get Involved with AMS Journals

Peer review in AMS Journals is carried out by volunteer reviewers, Associate Editors, Editors, and Chief Editors. 

Reviewer Recognition from AMS Publications

Information on the annual Editor's Award for Excellence in Reviewing, as well as how to receive credit in ORCID for peer review activity.

Obligations of Editors and Reviewers in the AMS Scientific Publication Process

These basic ethical guidelines for Editors and Reviewers were adopted by the AMS Council 22 September 2010.

Reviewer Guidelines for AMS Journals

Guidelines to bear in mind when you are asked to make an evaluation and provide recommendations to ensure the scientific quality of a manuscript.

Reviewer Guidelines for BAMS

Reviews for the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS) should cover considerations beyond those typical of other AMS journals. These guidelines describe the issues specific to BAMS and its submission types.

Comment and Reply Process in AMS Journals and BAMS

How Comments and Replies on papers published in AMS journals are handled.