- Proceedings of a Symposium Commemorating the Fortieth Anniversary of D-Day
The proceedings of a symposium commemorating the fortieth anniversary of the June 6, 1944 D-Day invasion of Europe by the Allied Forces, are now available in a volume entitled Some Meteorological Aspects of the D-Day Invasion of Europe 6 June 1944: Proceedings of a Symposium 19 May 1984, Fort Ord, California (edited by Roger H. Shaw and William Innes).
- International Commission on History of Meteorology (ICHM)
The site of this non-profit organization dedicated to scholarship and friendship includes links to their peer-reviewed journal, conferences and calls for papers, and books related to the history of meteorology.
- Guide to the History of the Atmospheric Sciences: Archives, Manuscripts, and Special Collections in the Washington, D.C. Area
Includes a historical overview and summary level or complete finding aids for collections in 19 major depositories in the D.C. area.