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AMS Insights are perspectives meant to connect AMS Statements with views on real world events.  We hope these views help shed light on various aspects of the weather, water, and climate enterprise and the relationship we all share with that.

AMS Statements

AMS Statements represent our official position on various topics relating to weather, water, and climate.

Earth System Science Vital to STEM Education 

October 2014

With the arrival of the new school year, an academic season begins anew not only for students but also, this year, for teachers busy retooling lessons to fit new educational standards.

Common Core standards for language arts and mathematics take effect in many states this year. While these standards address literacy and thinking skills involving science,Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are also spreading state by state.

These developments may provide the improvements the American Meteorological Society calls for in its Statement on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education. These improvements include ensuring that Earth science remains a vital part of STEM education in the United States.

NGSS promotes Earth system science throughout K-12, and AMS further advocates university admission requirements that ensure high school students take “rigorous Earth system STEM coursework.” Likewise the AMS Statement “embraces [the] interdisciplinary philosophy” of NGSS and “encourages the application of Earth system science as a core element of this approach.”

AMS has affirmed that “Climate literacy in the next generation of U.S. citizens will ensure a firm foundation of knowledge and discourse as society faces decisions on how to best deal with a changing climate. The nationwide adoption of the NGSS…will help improve overall climate literacy.”

Improvements in STEM education for all students are necessary to produce the strong and diverse STEM workforce that is essential to U.S. security and future economic prosperity.

AMS will continue working with members, educators, partners, and colleagues across the weather, water, and climate enterprise to help create a scientifically literate population that is able to understand and assist with current and future environmental challenges. 

Further Reading