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Alyssa Bates (she/her/hers)


Alyssa Bates (she/her/hers)

Research Associate III/Instructional Meteorologist, University of Oklahoma Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations/National Weather Service Warning Decision Training Division

BS, Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University
MS, Geosciences: Professional Meteorology, Mississippi State University

Languages: English

Forecasting/Weather Prediction, Instrumentation/Measurements (including radar and satellite meteorology), Operational Meteorology

I am an instructional meteorologist who creates warning decision-making training modules for National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters. Having worked at CIWRO/WDTD for 8 years, I manage 2 projects. I am WDTD's liaison for new products developed by NOAA laboratories (namely, the National Severe Storms Lab), so the projects I lead are based on developing training for new tools forecasters can use when they issue warnings. The first project I lead is the development of Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS) training that is taken by all incoming NWS meteorologists and hydrologists. My other project is a unique one that I took the initiative to become involved in. I really enjoy new products and research-to-operations, so I joined NSSL and others within the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) to help facilitate and create experiments. This led to the opportunity to become WDTD's liaison for the new concepts and products we are testing in the HWT. In this role, I lead initiatives to begin familiarizing forecasters with novel concepts, like Threats-in-Motion, so that they will be better prepared if the experimental concept becomes operational in the future.

Outside of WDTD, I'm involved in other professional activities I enjoy. Within AMS, I lead an Accessibility Committee within AMS Board on Representation, Accessibility, Inclusivity, and Diversity (BRAID). As a legally blind meteorologist with several other accessibility considerations, I lead our committee to raise awareness of accessibility barriers and promote accessibility within AMS. And toward my passion for research-to-operations, I co-chair the National Weather Association's Research-Operations Nexus (RON) Meetup, a researchers-operational personnel networking event that is held at NWA and AMS meetings each year.

I would be happy to help individuals seeking advice on how to manage complex situations, whether they be about work/life balance (I am also chronically ill) or balancing the load of multiple projects. I can offer advice on working with an interdisciplinary team. I am also able to help those interested in using networking skills to create a unique job for anyone who, like myself, enjoys a wide range of topics and tasks and does not enjoy being stuck with one topic/task. Additionally, since I create "fancy" PowerPoints for a living, I'd be happy to help folks with their presentation skills. And finally, my "in-between" job at GDAIS involved reformatting resumes, so I could help you with your resume, too!