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Paul Knight

Private Sector

Paul Knight

Senior Forecaster, PrescientWeather, LTD

BS, MS, Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University

Languages: English

Applied Climatology, Broadcast Meteorology (including other media), Forecasting/Weather Prediction, Forensics/Expert Testimony, Insurance/Risk Management, Operational Meteorology

Paul Knight has been involved in weather prediction on scales from nowcasts to seasonal forecasts for more than four decades. While his career was mainly in academia, he was also part of a team that produces a daily weather show for PBS and a statewide cable network (still going after almost 40 years) and for 25 years generated the weather page for the New York Times. He restarted the state climate office which was dormant from 1973-94 and was the state climatologist for nearly 20 years. He taught classes on weather risk management and weather communications. He has testified as an expert forensic climatologist at a couple dozen trials.