Meteorological Tools, Processes, and Techniques Used in Private Business

The Association of Certified Meteorologists (ACM) is sponsoring this short course in conjunction with the Board of Certified Consulting Meteorologists (BCCM). This full day short course reviews best practices for running a private business.

In the morning session, we discuss data quality and sources, why the quality of data is important, how to find data errors and using best practices of data quality assurance techniques. The morning session ends with data interpolation and extrapolation using standard techniques to maximize the validity of your analysis.

In the afternoon session, we discuss how to start and run a successful consulting business. There are four topics covered in two forty five minute breakout sessions. The topics are: starting and running a business; insurance, taxes and ethics; scoping a project; and advertising and marketing.

Learn from Certified Consulting Meteorologists (CCM) that work in several sectors of the economy and CCMs that have experience running a business. This short course focuses both on skills and tools for becoming a better scientist and also being successful in entrepreneurship.

January 8, 2023 at 9:00 AM - 3:45 PM Mountain Time (Hybrid) - Colorado Convention Center: Room 503

Registration close date: December 29, 2022 (for in person attendance)
Participant cap: None


Cancellation Policies

Accessibility, Safety, and Inclusivity at the Meeting

Course Description:

Participants will leave knowing the methods to verify data and the accepted methods of data interpolation and extrapolation. Participants will also walk away with a detailed list of what concerns business owners encounter in the standard operation of their business, and approaches and methods which have proven successful for CCMs who run their own businesses. To assist participants in retaining and referencing this information, a list of references and materials used in the course will be handed out.


ACM is inviting all short course attendees to Rock Bottom Brewery from 8pm to 10pm Sunday January 8 for light hors d’oeuvres and networking.

If you have questions regarding the course, please contact Mark McGinnis, the course organizer.


Alicia Wasula
Alicia Wasula, PhD, CCM

STM Weather

Gerry Mulvey
Gerry Mulvey, PhD, CCM

Nighthawk Weather LLC

Charlie Paxton
Charlie Paxton, CCM

Channelside Weather

Tom Bellinger
Tom Bellinger, CCM

Y-12 National Security Complex

Mark McGinnis
Mark McGinnis, CCM

Fair Skies Consulting

Rick Shema
Rick Shema, CCM

WeatherGuy, LLP

Steve Harned
Steve Harned, CCM

Atlantic States Weather

Randy Bass
Randy Bass, CCM

Bass Weather Services

Morgan Yarker
Morgan Yarker, PhD, CCM

Yarker Consulting