2023 AMS Scholarship and Fellowship Recipients

 Congratulations to the 2024 AMS Scholarship and Fellowship recipients! We look forward to seeing what's next for you as members of the weather, water, and climate community. Thank you to the sponsors that made it possible.

AMS Graduate Fellowship Recipients

Gabrielle Brown

University of Oklahoma

Rampyari Bahethi

Patricia Hopp

University of Michigan


Jennifer Kosty

Yale University


Sophi Kuhl



Shaun Laurinaitis

University of Oklahoma  


Jose Rodrigo Leal

University of Texas  


Nicholas Mesa

Colorado State University

Lockheed Martin

Joseph Rotondo

University of Washington


Mavis Stone

Stanford University


The Graduate Fellowship in the History of Science Recipient

Oliver Lucier   

Yale University


Women in Science Scholarship Award Recipient

Anastasia Tomanek

University of Wisconsin

Women in Science

Senior Named Scholarship Recipients

Michael Brown

North Carolina State University   

Bob Glahn

Laura Dailey

University of Delaware   

Dr. Terry C. Tarbell

Joshua Duncan  

University of Oklahoma   

Jay Fein

M. Geogdzhayeva


Ward & Eileen Seguin

Dylan Major

University of North Carolina   

Dickerson Virtual Endowment

Kelly Neighbour

University of Georgia

Naval Weather Service Association

Maria Nikolaitchik

University of Maryland

Liv & Walt Lyons

Chandler Pruett   

Florida State University

Glickman Family

Blake Rafferty 

University of North Dakota

Larry R. Johnson Memorial

Ashley Stagnari

Cornell University

Paul D. Try Endowed

Adjete Abraham Tekoe

Western Kentucky University

Orville Family Endowed

Lenny Thai

North Carolina State University   

Kasturi Devi Bahethi

Anastasia Tomanek

University of Wisconsin

Warren & Mary Washington

Cal Watson

University of Oklahoma   

Ken Reeves AccuWeather

AMS Scholarship for Underserved Communities

Arielle Jorge

University of Miami


Pablo Macias Lopez

Yale University


Alexander Morelli

Pennsylvania State University


Freshman Undergraduate Scholarship Recipients

Matthew Azuara

Florida State University

Percival & Clara Wark

Molly Busbice

Virginia Polytech Institute

Karen Hauschild Friday

Cooper Horneman

University of California

Percival & Clara Wark

Isabelle Lepkowski

University of Alaska

Edgar J. Saltsman

James Maddox Meador

Pennsylvania State University

Bernard Vonnegut & Vincent Schaefer

Wesley Newton

Rutgers School of Envir. & Biological Sci.

Percival & Clara Wark

James William Thiesing III

University of Oklahoma

Naval Weather Service Association

Jonathan Zhao

Brown University

Jerome Namias


Thank you to the sponsors whose generous support made AMS 2023 Scholarships and Fellowships possible! Find out how you can give.


Lockheed Martin
AMS Logo
Bob Glahn
Larry R. Johnson
Dr. Terry C. Tarbell Scholarship
Ken Reeves–AccuWeather
Dickerson Virtual Endowment
Orville Family
Karen Hauschild Friday
Ward & Eileen Seguin
Jerome Namias Memorial Endowed
Liv and Walt Lyons
Glickman Family
Jay Fein
Warren & Mary Washington
Bernard Vonnegut & Vincent Schaefer
Percival D. Wark & Clara B. Wark
Edgar J. Saltsman
Kasturi Devi Bahethi
Rampyari Bahethi