Call for Papers

Call for Papers

The 15th Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, sponsored by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the AMS Polar Meteorology and Oceanography Committee, will be held 20-24 May 2019, at the Williams Village Dining Center and Community Commons on the University of Colorado-Boulder Campus.  The conference will kick-off with an evening icebreaker on Sunday 19th May and will be followed by four days of scientific sessions.


Papers are solicited on all aspects of polar meteorology and oceanography, including but not limited to the following:

  • climate variability and change in the polar regions
  • rapid environmental change in the polar regions
  • interactions among polar atmosphere-ocean-land-ice components
  • high latitude atmospheric and oceanic dynamics
  • boundary layer processes, polar clouds, precipitation, and aerosols
  • weather and climate modelling in the polar regions
  • connections of the polar regions with the tropics and midlatitudes
  • sea ice variability, modeling, and change
  • the state of the cryosphere
  • reducing sea ice projection uncertainty through increased process-understanding 
  • the evolution, formation, and impacts of Arctic cyclones
  • polar amplification effects on large scale midlatitude weather systems


A $95 abstract fee will include the submission of your abstract, the posting of your extended abstract, and the uploading and recording of your presentation, which will be archived on the AMS conference website. Please submit your abstract electronically via the AMS conference website by 18 January 2019 (see the website for instructions). The abstract fee is charged at the time of submission and refundable only if abstract is not accepted. Authors of accepted presentations will be notified via e-mail by early March 2019.


The program committee will be offering several opportunities for student support and awards. We will be awarding first and second place prizes for both poster and oral presentations given by students, which will be judged on scientific content, presentation delivery, and the overall effectiveness of communication.  You must indicate your eligibility for this presentation awards when submitting your abstract.  Additionally, we will be offering four student travel awards, designed to cover student member registration fees and partially offset other travel-related costs.  Students that are presenting their work at the conference and who would like to be considered for travel support should indicate so when submitting their abstract; further justification for need may be required. These travel awards will be vetted by the committee and will be based primarily on need and research criteria to ensure a diversity of student involvement at the conference.


For further program information please contact the program chair, Ryan Fogt, Department of Geography and Scalia Laboratory for Atmospheric Analysis, Ohio University, 122 Clippinger Labs, Athens, OH 45701 (e-mail: [email protected]).