Call For Papers

Call For Papers

The 16th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, sponsored by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the AMS Committee on Mesoscale Processes, will be held 3–6 August 2015 at the Sheraton Boston Hotel in Boston, MA. A preliminary program, along with hotel and registration information, will be posted on the AMS website ( by Mid-May 2015.

The program committee seeks contributions from all areas of mesoscale meteorology, including observational, theoretical and modelling studies of mesoscale processes (e.g., gravity waves, mesoscale convective systems, mechanically forced flows, tornadoes, orographic precipitation, structure and evolution of tropical cyclones, extratropical systems). We also invite submissions treating high-impact mesoscale events as well as microphysics and aerosols, results from recent testbeds / field experiments (e.g., OWLeS, DEEPWAVE, MPEX, PECAN…), mesoscale predictability, and mesoscale data assimilation.
      The Mesoscale Processes Committee encourages abstract submissions from students for which awards will be given to the best student oral and poster presentations at the conference. Students need to indicate their willingness to be considered for these awards when submitting their abstract by selecting yes to be entered into the competition (this question appears after answering if presented by a student question). The Mesoscale Processes Committee is also offering two student travel awards to help supplement travel expenses. The award is to be used for travel expenses to and from the conference and/or lodging in Boston, MA. To be eligible for a travel award, students must be current AMS student members and have submitted an abstract for presentation at the meeting. Furthermore, the awardees may not receive any concurrent travel support from the AMS (e.g., an AMS travel grant). The selected students will be required to pay for all costs up-front and will be reimbursed by AMS (Brenda Ward, [email protected]) following the conference with proper receipts of approved expenses. To apply please send your CV and a brief (1/2 page) justification to the program chairpersons (contact information located at the end) by the abstract deadline of 6 April 2015. An award for best presentation by a very early career researcher (defined as professionals who are within 5 years of having earned their highest degree) will also be presented at the meeting. Please note your willingness to participate when submitting your abstract.

AMS policy limits participants to one oral presentation each (you may submit more than one abstract but please note any additional will be assigned as posters). Please submit abstracts via no later than 6 April 2015. A fee of $95.00 (payable by credit card or purchase order) will be charged at the time of submission of each abstract (refundable only if abstract is not accepted). When submitting your abstract, you can indicate whether you prefer a poster or an oral presentation. The availability of oral presentations, however, will depend on the number of submissions.

Authors of accepted presentations will be notified via e-mail by Mid-May 2015. Instructions for formatting extended abstracts will be posted on the AMS website. These extended abstracts (file size up to 10 MB) must be submitted electronically by 4 September 2015. All abstracts, extended abstracts, and presentations (including the recordings of those who granted permission) will be made available on the AMS website.

For additional information, please contact the program chairpersons: Susan C. van den Heever (Colorado State University, tel: 970-491-8501, fax: 970-491-8483, email: [email protected]), or Zhiyong (Ellie) Meng (Peking University, tel: +86-10-62751131, fax: +86-10-6751094, email: [email protected]) (9/14)