2024 Summer Community Meeting

2024 Summer Community Meeting

5-6 August 2024, Washington, D.C. 

Featured Speakers

Michelle Mainelli

Deputy DirectorNational Weather Service

Ben Friedman
John Cortinas

Deputy Assistant Administrator for Science,
NOAA Research

Julie Demuth

Project Scientist III, NCAR

Jeff Lazo

Consultant, Jeffrey K. Lazo Consulting LLC

Important Dates

Hotel Reservations Open: Late April 

Hotel Reservation Deadline: 9 July 2024

Pre-Registration Deadline: 9 July 2024

No Registration Refund After: 16 July 2024



The AMS Summer Community Meeting (SCM) is shaping up to be an exciting event that welcomes members from across the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise for two days of intense discussion of the future of the Enterprise along with networking and collegial interactions.  The theme, “Ensuring a Robust Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise,” builds on the fact that we are now just over two decades since the “Fair Weather” report that led to the creation of the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise Commission and the establishment of the Summer Community Meeting as the primary venue for leaders in the Enterprise to discuss and resolve issues.  This year’s meeting will focus special attention on the Weather Enterprise, with an opportunity for the entire community to learn about, discuss, debate, and extend some of the preliminary findings coming from an AMS study on the Weather Enterprise.  

Topics to be covered during this year’s meeting include:

  • How can academic programs evolve to create the workforce needed for the Enterprise of today and the future?
  • How can the private, academic, government, and NGO sectors work together to produce the best possible NWP platforms?
  • How is the explosion of AI impacting predictions and services?
  • What is the best balance between government observations and commercial data buys?
  • How is the research enterprise changing in the face of new technologies?
  • How do we ensure open science and open data in an Enterprise where more observations are under the control of the private sector?
  • How do we ensure our warnings, decision support, and other services are taking best advantage of the strengths of each sector of the community?

The AMS Summer Community Meeting (SCM) is a special time for professionals from academia, industry, government, and NGOs (i.e., the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise) to come together to discuss broader strategic priorities, identify challenges to be addressed, opportunities to collaborate, and share points of view on pressing topics.  The SCM provides a unique, informal setting for constructive deliberation of current issues and development of a shared vision for the future. This year’s meeting has been specifically designed to solicit audience engagement and to facilitate discussion, both during the meeting and after hours.

Mark your calendar for this two-day meeting in August. We look forward to your participation!  For additional information, please contact Jordan Gerth, BEC Chair, email:  [email protected].


The 2024 Summer Community Meeting is hosted by the American Meteorological Society. 


Sponsorship opportunities are now available! Interested companies and organizations should contact Adam Kelly


All attendees need to be registered in order to attend the conference. Registration must be completed online. Everyone presenting and/or attending must register.

  Early Registration Registration
(In Person or Virtual) (In Person or Virtual)
Through 9 July  10 July - 6 August
AMS Full Member/ Program or Session Chair $460 $520
Non-Member   $520 $580
AMS Student Member $110 $160
Student Non-Member $160 $210

All in-person attendees must register by 1 August 2024. No onsite Registration is available.

There will be no registration refunds after 16 July 2024. Cancellations made before this date will be charged a $50.00 processing fee.

Connect with us!

Keep up to date with the latest conference info: @ametsoc

Read Keith Seitter's article about this year's AMS Summer Community Meeting on The Front Page: The Summer Community Meeting: Why is this year’s meeting so important?

Professional and Respectful Conduct at AMS Meetings

Need to report unprofessional or disrespectful conduct? Text AMS at (617) 606-4369 or email [email protected].

  • AMS is committed to safe and inclusive meetings for all attendees.
  • Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated at any meeting or event associated with the meeting.
  • All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds. Be inclusive and respectful.
  • The recording or transmissions of any education sessions, presentations, demos, videos, or content in any format is strictly prohibited.
  • Participants should not copy or take screenshots of Q&A or any chat room activity that takes place in the virtual space.
  • This statement is meant to cover all meeting-associated events, including those sponsored by organizations other than AMS but held in relation to AMS events. This includes the scientific program, short courses, and exhibitions, as well as receptions, town hall meetings, and other informal or formal gatherings associated with AMS. Similarly, participants shall adhere to this code of conduct in online spaces related to the meeting and meeting-associated events, including Facebook, Twitter, and other online venues.
  • Those who violate the standards of professional and respectful conduct may be asked to leave the meeting immediately and without refund, may not be considered for service on AMS boards and committees, and may be subject to additional legal action.
  • Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination includes offensive comments and actions related to age, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion; sexual images in public spaces; deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other events; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention.
  • If you are the subject of unacceptable behavior or have witnessed any such behavior, please immediately either:
  • If you witness or experience behavior that constitutes an immediate and serious threat, please call 911.

Members of the response team:

  • Stephanie Armstrong, Associate Executive Director
  • Brian Papa, Associate Executive Director
  • Jen Ives, Associate Director of Meetings

Inclusivity at AMS

 AMS is committed to creating an environment for meetings that “embraces diversity through the inclusion of individuals across age, gender, race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, physical ability, marital status, sexual orientation, body shape or size, gender identity and expression, socioeconomic status, and other facets of social diversity” (see: https://www.ametsoc.org/index.cfm/ams/about-ams/diversity-and-inclusion-at-ams/).  

Special Needs

It is the Society's sincere desire to comply fully with both the letter and the spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.  Attendees with special needs at the conference should check with the AMS Meetings Department (617) 226-3971, four–six weeks prior to the meeting to request special arrangements.  Special housing needs should be requested when making hotel reservations..