23rd Biennial Joint AMS/AGU Heads and Chairs Meeting

23rd Biennial Joint AMS/AGU Heads and Chairs Meeting

12 – 13 October 2022 Boulder, CO

Theme: Serving current students, and recruiting new ones in a pandemic-altered world


The 2022 AMS/AGU Joint Heads and Chairs Meeting, which will begin during the
evening of October 12th and end by late afternoon of October 13th, will focus on ways to
administer to the needs of current students, as well as on strategies to recruit new ones,
in a pandemic-altered and otherwise dynamic world.

The pandemic has exposed and exacerbated mental health issues at multiple levels in
academic communities, and these are expected to persist into the foreseeable future.
However, many–perhaps most–academicians feel underprepared to help address these
issues in their classrooms, laboratories, and administrative offices beyond simple
referrals to health experts. During the 2022 AMS/AGU Joint Heads and Chairs Meeting,
a keynote presentation and breakout activities are planned to help provide context and
approaches for problem solving.

The pandemic has also contributed to declines in undergraduate as well as graduate
student enrollments. These trends have not yet reversed, especially at community and
regional state colleges, suggesting a shift from concerns about health and reduced
student experiences to ones about the value of a college education. A keynote
presentation and breakout activities are also planned to help provide insight into
enrollments trends, and strategies to enhance recruitment.
The Heads and Chairs Meeting will be held in person at NCAR in Boulder, CO, at the
conclusion of the UCAR Member’s Meeting. A virtual option will be available.

Meeting co-chairs

Jeff Trapp, University of Illinois ([email protected])

Wendi Flynn, University of Northern Colorado ([email protected])