The 21st Conference on Air-Sea Interaction, sponsored by the American Meteorological Society and organized by the AMS Committee on Air-Sea Interaction, was held 11–15 June 2018 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
The conference was held in conjunction with the AMS 23rd Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence (BLT). Joint sessions were held on topics associated with renewable energy, trace gas exchange, coastal, and high latitude environments.
Papers and posters for this conference were solicited on all aspects of air-sea interaction across a wide spectrum of temporal and spatial scales. General Sessions for the conference were based on the number and topics of abstracts received. A plenary session was held to introduce the Conference. Although not an exhaustive list, we welcomed abstracts covering the following topics:
1. High latitude air-sea interaction, including air-sea-ice interaction (joint with BLT)
2. Boundary layer processes, observations, and modeling related to renewable energy applications (joint with BLT)
3. The coastal environment (joint with BLT)
4. Exchange of trace gasses (CO2, H2O etc.) between the land/sea surface and the boundary layer (joint with BLT)
5. Air-sea interaction under high wind speed conditions
6. Sea surface processes, including waves, spray, bubbles, and aerosols
7. The role of air-sea interaction in climate variability and change
8. Air-sea flux measurements, datasets, and applications
9. Recent field experiments
Participants with additional suggestions for general, special, or joint sessions were encouraged to submit their suggestions.
The Air-Sea Interaction Conference hosted a student paper competition and make awards for exemplary student poster and oral presentations. A limited number of student travel awards were also available.
This $95 abstract fee also covered the submission of your extended abstract and the uploading and recording of your presentation, both of which is archived on the AMS Web site and available to all at no cost. There is also no cost for color graphics in the abstract or the extended abstract. Authors of accepted presentations were notified (via e-mail) in mid March 2018.
For additional information, please contact any of the following:
Henry Potter (meeting organizer, [email protected])
Jason Roberts (meeting co-organizer, [email protected])
Heather Holbach (meeting co-organizer, [email protected])
Young-Oh Kwon (meeting co-organizer, [email protected])